Cengage Learning Accounting Workbook 6E: To Trial Balance and Basic Reports

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sku: 9780170245524

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780170245524
  • Authors: Nicholas Mroczkowski,David Flanders
  • Edition: 6
  • Publication Date: 30/12/2014
Cengage Learning Accounting Workbook 6E: To Trial Balance and Basic Reports
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This introductory accounting series was first published as a single volume, TAFE Accounting, and became the best selling text in the VET market in Victoria. Subsequently a format of split volumes was adopted to address market requirements outside of these qualifications. The two volumes of this series are Accounting to Trial Balance and Basic Reports. These current editions have undergone a number of revisions to ensure they rigorously address competencies in the TAFE and RTO markets and to incorporate the changes made to FNS. They also include a significant number of support materials, to assist students in courses with limited teacher interaction. One of these support materials is this workbook, designed to accompany the core texts and to enhance the content.

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Additional Information

Authors Nicholas Mroczkowski,David Flanders
Barcode 9780170245524
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition 6
ISBN 9780170245524
Publication Date 30/12/2014