Cengage Learning Adult Development and Aging 9E

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sku: 9780357796276

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  • ISBN: 9780357796276
Cengage Learning Adult Development and Aging 9E
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Cavanaugh's bestselling ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING, 9th edition, covers the specific ages-stages of adult development and aging with a unique focus on "positive aging". Completely up to date, the new edition reflects the latest research, theory and issues. It includes discussions of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on every aspect of adult development and aging and how technology is increasing the likelihood of aging in place.

Making it easier to study and learn, the text helps you connect what you're learning with real life while providing you with the tools you need to maximize course success, including review questions in each module, integrative questions and key terms with definitions. In addition, boxed features point out controversial issues about chapter concepts, illustrate aging principles through real-life examples and connect research to current social policy.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780357796276
Brand Wadsworth ISE
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780357796276
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A