Cengage Learning Cognitive Psychology 5E: Connecting Mind, Research, and Ever

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sku: 9781337408271

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9781337408271
  • Authors: Dr. E. Bruce Goldstein
  • Edition: 5
  • Publisher: Wadsworth ISE
  • Publication Date: 18/06/2018
Cengage Learning Cognitive Psychology 5E: Connecting Mind, Research, and Ever
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A lot goes on in your head when you're doing something simple like remembering (or forgetting!) to do your next assignment. Bruce Goldstein explains all this activity going on in your mind in COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: CONNECTING MIND, RESEARCH, AND EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE. Concrete examples and illustrations help you understand both the scientific importance of theories and their relevance to you, including research-based suggestions for better ways to study. Also available to clarify and reinforce concepts: MindTap, including CogLab 5: The Online Cognition Lab.

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Additional Information

Authors Dr. E. Bruce Goldstein
Barcode 9781337408271
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition 5
ISBN 9781337408271
Publication Date 18/06/2018
Publisher Wadsworth ISE