Cengage Learning Consumer Behaviour 2E

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sku: 9780170439978

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  • ISBN: 9780170439978
Cengage Learning Consumer Behaviour 2E
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The text explores new examples of consumer behaviour using case studies, advertisements and brands from Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. The authors recognise the critical links to areas such as marketing, public policy and ethics, and cover the importance of online consumer behaviour with content on how social media and evolving technologies are changing the way marketers understand consumers. Examine 'Marketing Implications' to learn how theoretical concepts are used in practice, and challenge yourself to think about how marketing decisions impact consumers as you begin to analyse consumer behaviour with cases featuring extensive Australian and international examples.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780170439978
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780170439978
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A