Cengage Learning ebook Business Marketing Management: B2B 13E

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sku: 9798214339160

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  • ISBN: 9798214339160
A new digital playbook and expanded content on smart, connected products also explore how digital-first engagement preferences of B2B buyers are transforming customer relationship processes.
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Business Marketing Management: B2B

Gain an understanding of the most recent industry trends and today's dynamic B2B market with Hutt/Speh/Hoffman's BUSINESS MARKETING MANAGEMENT: B2B, 13E. This edition ties concepts to real-world decision making and to best practices. New content emphasizes an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) framework, while new discussions highlight developments such as the innovation flywheel and the new standard in marketing -- omnichannel strategy. You review similarities and differences between consumer goods and B2B marketing. Revised content focuses on market analysis, organizational buying behavior, relationship management and marketing strategies to reach organizational customers. A new digital playbook and expanded content on smart, connected products also explore how digital-first engagement preferences of B2B buyers are transforming customer relationship processes.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214339160
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A