Cengage Learning ebook Security Awareness : Applying Practical Cybersecurity

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sku: 9798214352190

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  • ISBN: 9798214352190
Cengage Learning ebook Security Awareness : Applying Practical Cybersecurity
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Nearly every student struggles with protecting their technology from cybersecurity attacks. Most cybersecurity textbooks are designed for students majoring in information systems who already have a strong foundation of hardware, software and networks. Ciampa's SECURITY AWARENESS: APPLYING PRACTICAL CYBERSECURITY IN YOUR WORLD, 6th EDITION is designed to provide all students, even beginners, with the knowledge and skills needed to protect their technology devices from increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Utilizing the same straightforward information that has made previous editions so popular, this edition helps answer student questions about cybersecurity while providing the hands-on skills necessary to protect their devices and even Wi-Fi networks from cyberattacks will help them become secure today and stay secure in the future.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214352190
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A