Fraud Examination 7E

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sku: 9780357721759

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  • ISBN: 9780357721759
Fraud Examination 7E
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Learn to identify, detect, investigate and prevent financial fraud today with Albrecht/Albrecht/Albrecht/Zimbelman's FRAUD EXAMINATION, 7th EDITION. Develop fraud skills as you become a better interviewer, stronger and more skeptical document examiner, better technology user and more informed decision-maker. Closely examine and gain a strong understanding of the types of fraud and nature of fraud investigation today with current business examples and numerous actual fraud cases, delivered first-hand from the authors' experience. FRAUD EXAMINATION, 7th EDITION, presents today's most important fraud concepts with an emphasis on the growing areas of e-business and cyber fraud. Significant discussion familiarizes you with forensic analysis as well as legal options for victims of fraud. New discussion also highlights how experts use technology to accomplish fraud and detect fraud.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780357721759
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780357721759
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A