Cengage Learning Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 12E

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sku: 9780357988176

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  • ISBN: 9780357988176
Cengage Learning Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 12E
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Learn to manage your money to maximize your earning potential with Reilly/Brown/Leeds' INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT, 12th Edition. The extremely reader-friendly, succinct 18 chapters equips you with a solid understanding of investment instruments, capital markets, behavioral finance, hedge funds, international investing and much more. Real-world examples and hands-on applications bring chapter concepts to life as you learn to use the same tools as investment professionals. The 12th edition's unparalleled international coverage provides specific information on non-U.S. markets, instruments, conventions and techniques.

New detailed discussions explain the impact of changes in both technology, regulations and ESG mandates on global security markets. In addition, three chapters are devoted to derivatives securities, which are now standard investment instruments.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780357988176
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780357988176
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A