Cengage Learning Literacy 10E: Helping Students Construct Meaning

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sku: 9781305960602

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9781305960602
  • Authors: J. David Cooper
  • Edition: 10
  • Publisher: Wadsworth ISE
  • Publication Date: 07/10/2016
Cengage Learning Literacy 10E: Helping Students Construct Meaning
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A leading resource for K'8 literacy programs, this extremely popular reading methods text has a simple goal: to provide aspiring teachers (including you) with the tools to help every student learn to read and write. LITERACY: HELPING STUDENTS CONSTRUCT MEANING, 10th Edition has been completely reorganized to better meet the needs of its readers; for instance, with early coverage of assessment in recognition of its foundational nature. Distinguished in the field by its use of practical literacy lessons and authentic examples that clearly demonstrate how to teach reading and writing, the text continues to provide pre-service and in-service teachers with the information, strategies, and techniques they need to assist their students in becoming literate. The Common Core State Standards are fully integrated throughout the text, and full-color children's stories (in excerpts or in their entirety) model extended literacy lessons.

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Additional Information

Authors J. David Cooper
Barcode 9781305960602
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition 10
ISBN 9781305960602
Publication Date 07/10/2016
Publisher Wadsworth ISE