Cengage Learning Teaching Primary Science Constructively 8E: STEM inclusive!

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sku: 9780170472814

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  • ISBN: 9780170472814
Cengage Learning Teaching Primary Science Constructively 8E: STEM inclusive!
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Teaching Primary Science Constructively helps pre-service teachers to create effective science learning experiences for primary students by using a constructivist approach to learning. This best-selling text explains the principles of constructivism, the implications for learning and teaching and discusses core strategies for developing science understanding and science inquiry processes and skills. Part 2 provides research-based ideas for implementing a constructivist approach within a number of content strands. Throughout there are strong links to the key ideas, themes and terminology of the latest Australian Curriculum: Science.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780170472814
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780170472814
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A