Cengage Learning Understanding Food 7E: Principles & Preparation

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sku: 9780357974148

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  • ISBN: 9780357974148
Cengage Learning Understanding Food 7E: Principles & Preparation
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Brown's UNDERSTANDING FOOD: PRINCIPLES AND PREPARATION, 7th Edition, is your guide to food, food science, food safety, food preparation and food service. Integrating these key topics with relevant information about nutrition and the food industry, this best-selling title gives you a thorough overview of the different dimensions of food principles and insight into the variety of career options available in the nutrition and food industry. This edition is available with MindTap, a digital learning platform that lets you learn how, when and where you want. With features like Diet and Wellness Plus nutrition analysis, self-assessments, pop-up tutors, videos and an interactive eBook, MindTap Nutrition makes studying a breeze.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780357974148
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780357974148
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A