Elsevier Clinical Skills

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sku: 9780702080296

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  • ISBN: 9780702080296
Elsevier Clinical Skills
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Clinical Skills: A Nurse’s Pocket Guide is a new easy reference intended to be carried by nurses into the clinical environment for quick access during their practice. This helpful resource provides quick references for a range of core as well as more complex clinical skills, including neurological assessment, ECG recording, chest auscultation, resuscitation guidelines, recognition and management of sepsis, and pain relief. It also considers fluid and electrolyte balance, wound care and key aspects of nutrition. Written by experienced nurse practitioner Rob Schwarz, the easy to navigate text closes the gap between theory and practice, supporting nurses to build understanding and acquire new skills. It will be a much-used resource by training and qualified nurses alike.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780702080296
Brand Elsevier
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780702080296
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A