
Elsevier ebook ESSA’s Student Manual for Exercise Prescription, Deliv

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sku: 9780729586580

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  • ISBN: 9780729586580
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Endorsed by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA)

ESSA is a professional organisation which is committed to establishing, promoting and defending the career paths of tertiary trained exercise and sports science practitioners. s

ESSA’s Student Manual for Exercise Prescription, Delivery and Adherence is a unique text that covers not only how to write and deliver exercise programs, but also how to support and enable people to stick to them for better health and wellbeing.

Expert academic authors Jeff Coombes, Nicola Burton and Emma Beckman have precisely mapped the contents to Australian essential professional standards, making this text suitable for students of all ESSA-accredited degree and postgraduate courses wanting to gain accreditation in exercise science and exercise physiology.

The text combines theory and practical exercises to boost competency and confidence. It covers everything students need to know, from required foundational knowledge of biomechanics, functional anatomy, physiology and associated psychology and how to apply that to create, deliver, and support safe and effective exercise.