Financial Times/Prentice Hall Corporate Reputation, Brand and Communication

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sku: 9780273727590

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780273727590
  • Authors: Stuart Roper,Chris Fill
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Pearson Education
  • Publication Date: 09/02/2012

Why should and how can organisations manage their reputations? All organisations, the executives who direct them, the employees who create value and their stakeholders who influence them, all interact and can impact corporate reputation.

In a 24/7 media environment, where even a tweet can shape impressions, the importance of reputation management has never been higher. Every single move, decision taken and each isolated event that involves a company or public figure, is scrutinised, documented and publicised globally, compounding the task of reputation managers. Just ask BP, Toyota or Tiger Woods.

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Financial Times/Prentice Hall Corporate Reputation, Brand and Communication

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Additional Information

Authors Stuart Roper,Chris Fill
Barcode 9780273727590
Brand Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Edition 1
ISBN 9780273727590
Publication Date 09/02/2012
Publisher Pearson Education