Golden Books LGB Passover: A Celebration of Freedom

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sku: 9780593810422

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  • ISBN: 9780593810422
Golden Books LGB Passover: A Celebration of Freedom
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Learn why and how Jewish people celebrate Passover with this beautifully illustrated Little Golden Book!

Learn why and how Jewish people celebrate Passover with this beautifully illustrated Big Golden Book!

Celebrate Passover by reading about how Moses helped lead the Israelites to freedom. In addition to the story of Passover, which includes the Ten Plagues, the Burning Bush, and the Parting of the Red Sea, preschoolers will also learn about the Passover Seder and how Jewish people celebrate today. Filled with colorful illustrations and simple, yet informative text, this Big Golden Book is perfect to share with your family this Passover!

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780593810422
Brand Golden Books
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780593810422
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A