Kuroshio Shuppan Tobira : Bunpo Ryoku Grammar Power Book

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sku: 9784874245705

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  • ISBN: 9784874245705
Kuroshio Shuppan Tobira : Bunpo Ryoku Grammar Power Book
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This grammar drill book is part of the Tobira Gateway to Advanced Japanese series. Instructions for the exercises are given in English which is helpful - this is a drill book as opposed to a reference book for grammar.

Instructions for the exercises are given in English ( 'Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentence using ..." and a translation of the grammar label is given in English also: for example : 'verb non-past' noun' number'

As there are several types of exercises it is suggested that users follow the instructions in the 'Note to Students' found at the beginning of the book. The corresponding chapter in the student book should be consulted before attempting the exercises in each chapter.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9784874245705
Brand Kuroshio Shuppan
Edition N/A
ISBN 9784874245705
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A