Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA Lawyers' Professional Responsibility 8E

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sku: 9780455248790

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  • ISBN: 9780455248790
Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA Lawyers' Professional Responsibility 8E
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Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility, Eighth Edition is a detailed yet accessible treatment of lawyers’ legal and professional responsibilities, suitable for students and practitioners alike.

This comprehensive book contains detailed footnoting of relevant provisions and rules in each Australian jurisdiction. Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility’s content and commentary are not confined to developments across Australia, but where relevant contain comparative coverage from the main common law jurisdictions, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.

This edition includes content and commentary on the Legal Profession Uniform Law, implemented in New South Wales and Victoria and now also in Western Australia, together with the various uniform rules, for both solicitors and barristers.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780455248790
Brand Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780455248790
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A