SPECIAL ORDER - LexisNexis Australia Hanks Australian Constitutional Law Materials and Commentary

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sku: 9780409350777

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  • ISBN: 9780409350777
Hanks Australian Constitutional Law is the authoritative casebook for the study of constitutional law.
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Hanks Australian Constitutional Law is the authoritative casebook for the study of constitutional law. This book considers the concepts underlying the Australian Constitution and explores constitutional decision-making in context. It reviews all of the important constitutional decisions of the High Court of Australia, and exposes the issues that arise in those decisions to a critical analysis. Updates for this edition include recent cases on: disqualification of members from the Houses of the Commonwealth Parliament, particularly under s 44(i) of the Constitution for foreign citizenship; Indigenous Australians and the aliens power; the implied freedom of political communication; and Chapter III of the Constitution, including cases on the Kable principle, the entrenchment of judicial review and due process protections. Features Fully revised and updated Covers key cases and legislation and emerging issues in constitutional law Clear and accessible format Comprehensive analysis enables in-depth understanding of the subject area Easy to navigate Related Titles Harvey et al, LexisNexis Study Guide: Constitutional Law, 3rd ed, 2018 Omar, LexisNexis Questions & Answers: Constitutional Law, 4th ed, 2015 Price, LexisNexis Case Summaries: Constitutional Law, 6th ed, 2016 Stellios, The Federal Judicature: Chapter III of the Constitution, 2nd ed, 2020

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780409350777
Brand LexisNexis Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780409350777
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A