LexisNexis Australia Queensland Evidence Law 6E

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sku: 9780409355338

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  • ISBN: 9780409355338
LexisNexis Australia Queensland Evidence Law 6E
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Queensland Evidence Law explains and discusses the common law rules of evidence as affected by the Evidence Act 1977 (Qld). The authors address the synthesis of the common law and statutory position to provide a very readable and accessible text that applies a logical and systematic approach to the introduction of each key topic. The easy-to-navigate design supports a clear discussion and analysis of statutory provisions and leading cases to engage readers. To consolidate understanding, each chapter provides a set of self-test questions and a problem question in each of the civil and criminal jurisdictions. Discussion of the position under the Evidence Act 1995 (Cth), the foundation of the Uniform Evidence Acts regime, is included to promote familiarity with the evidence rules applicable to practice in federal matters. The sixth edition has been revised and updated to reflect recent interpretative developments in case law. This book is an ideal introduction for students to the law of evidence in the Queensland jurisdiction and an excellent reference for legal practitioners. Lexis Learning resources A range of online learning resources to use for teaching and assessment activities will be available for lecturers who prescribe this text for a unit of study. Please contact your LexisNexis sales representative for more information. Features • Jurisdiction-specific commentary offers relevance and value for Queensland students and practitioners • Clear, accessible explanations of key concepts • Provides comparative position under Commonwealth evidence legislation • Chapters all include self-test quiz and problems, with online guided responses for lecturer use Related Titles • Field, LexisNexis Questions and Answers: Evidence for Common Law States, 3rd ed, 2019 • Field, LexisNexis Questions and Answers: Uniform Evidence Law, 3rd ed, 2019 • Ligertwood & Edmond, Australian Evidence: A Principled Approach to the Common Law and Uniform Acts, 6th ed, 2017 • Weinstein, Anderson, Marychurch & Roy, Uniform Evidence in Australia, 3rd ed, 2020

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780409355338
Brand LexisNexis Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780409355338
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A