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  • ISBN: 9780409352474

LexisNexis Australia Torts: Cases and Commentary 9E

Luntz & Hambly’s Torts: Cases, Legislation and Commentary delivers a critical and analytical approach to the law of torts presented through extensive commentary and selected materials from cases, legislation and academic writings. Detailed notes explain the significance of the key cases while questions stimulate critical thinking and learning.

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LexisNexis Australia Torts: Cases and Commentary 9E

Luntz & Hambly’s Torts: Cases, Legislation and Commentary delivers a critical and analytical approach to the law of torts presented through extensive commentary and selected materials from cases, legislation and academic writings. Detailed notes explain the significance of the key cases while questions stimulate critical thinking and learning.

Recent developments covered in this edition include discussion on: new legislation on the liability of organisations for child abuse; Aged Care Royal Commission recommendations on compensation for injuries in Aged Care; race and injury compensation; new NSW CTP scheme reforms; winding back of expansion of vicarious liability in the United Kingdom. The chapter structure has been adjusted for improved navigation.

New cases discussed include:
• Amaca Pty Ltd v Latz (loss of pension payments)
• Barclays Bank plc v Various Claimants (vicarious liability)
• Hallmark Construction Pty Ltd v Harford (vicarious liability)
• Kendirjian v Lepore (advocate’s immunity)
• Menz v Wagga Wagga Show Society (obvious risk)
• New South Wales v Robinson (lawful authority to arrest)
• Roy v O’Neill (trespass to land, implied consent and protection against domestic violence)
• Smethurst v Commissioner of Police (trespass to land and remedy)
• NSW v Le (false imprisonment)
• WM Morrison Supermarkets plc v Various Claimants (acts in scope of employment)


• Fully revised and updated
• Covers key cases and legislation and emerging issues in tort law
• Clear and accessible format
• Comprehensive analysis enables in-depth understanding of the subject area
• Easy to navigate

Related Titles

• Davies & Malkin, Focus: Torts, 8th ed, 2021
• Foster, Torts Cases and Commentary Supplement: Defamation and Wrongful Interference with Goods, 2nd ed, 2019
• Howe, Walsh & Rooney, LexisNexis Study Guides: Torts, 4th ed, 2021
• Stickley, Australian Torts Law, 4th ed, 2017

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9780409352474
Brand LexisNexis Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780409352474
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A