Lexisnexis Law in Commerce, 7th edition

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sku: 9780409351811

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780409351811
Law in Commerce 7th edition is a practical, easy-to-understand and useful teaching and learning resource designed specifically for undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory course on business law. Published by a global leader in legal content, it is a holistic teaching and learning resource that enables different methods of course delivery through integrated print and digital learning resources. Whether the course is delivered face-to-face, in flipped classrooms, or blended environments, Law in Commerce provides the flexibility that enables universities to teach business law in a manner that works best for them.
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Law in Commerce 7th edition is a practical, easy-to-understand and useful teaching and learning resource designed specifically for undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory course on business law. Published by a global leader in legal content, it is a holistic teaching and learning resource that enables different methods of course delivery through integrated print and digital learning resources. Whether the course is delivered face-to-face, in flipped classrooms, or blended environments, Law in Commerce provides the flexibility that enables universities to teach business law in a manner that works best for them.

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9780409351811
Brand LexisNexis Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780409351811
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A