Magabala Books Fog A Dox

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sku: 9781921248559

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  • ISBN: 9781921248559
Magabala Books Fog A Dox
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Age range 12 to 18

Winner, 2013 Prime Minister’s Literary award, Young Adult Literature

Albert Cutts is a tree feller. A fella who cuts down trees. Fog is a fox cub raised by a dingo. He's called a dox because people are suspicious of foxes and Albert Cutts owns the dingo and now the dox. Albert is a bushman and lives a remote life surrounded by animals and birds. All goes well until Albert has an accident ... This is a story of courage, acceptance and respect. It is reminiscent of the gentle story-telling style of Australian author Alan Marshall (I can jump puddles). The dialogue is finely crafted and Indigenous cultural knowledge and awareness are seamlessly integrated into the story.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781921248559
Brand Magabala Books
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781921248559
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A