Maison de Langues Defi 1 A1 Textbook English edition

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sku: 9788418907746

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9788418907746
Défi's innovative design follows a task-based, content-focused approach that will speark students' curiosity. In this programme, cuture is at the core of every activitiy, stimulating students to build knowledge through explorative and expansive learning.
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Défi is designed for students 16+ at the A1 level of the CEFR.
This method features :
  • a reassuring and easily adaptable structure : 8 units, each divided into two thematic dossiers
  • each dossier contains : 1 double page of discovery, 2 double pages with source documents accompanied by grammatical, vocabulary and cultural activities, and a final task, or Défi
  • various reading strategies to facilitate easier understanding of the documents
  • inductive and progressive grammar work
  • strong presence of vocabulary work with a dedicated page at the end of the unit
  • video capsules on phonetics
  • instructions, grammar and reading strategies drafted in English
  • bilingual glossary

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9788418907746
Brand Maison de Langues
Edition N/A
ISBN 9788418907746
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A