Orion The Science Museum Puzzle Book: Journey Into Space

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sku: 9781399623896

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  • ISBN: 9781399623896
Orion The Science Museum Puzzle Book: Journey Into Space
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Are you ready to become an astronaut? Then prepare for lift off with The Science Museum Puzzle Book, a unique puzzle book to launch your exploration of space.

Embark on your very own astronaut training program; engineer your own rocket and blast off to explore other planets to find what might be out there, all the while discovering the history of space exploration and the pioneering men and women who led us there.

From Galileo inventing the first telescope, to the fascinating 20th century space race, all the way up to the cutting-edge research and missions being done to this day, this book is stuffed with essential space facts and history as well as mind-bending puzzles.

From codebreaking and brainteasers to word riddles and language puzzles, this is the perfect gift to challenge any budding space explor

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781399623896
Brand Orion
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781399623896
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A