Oxford University Press Coherent X-Ray Optics

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sku: 9780199673865

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780199673865
  • Authors: David Paganin
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press UK
  • Publication Date: 15/08/2013
X-ray optics is undergoing a renaissance, which may be paralleled to that experienced by visible-light optics following the invention of the laser. The associated surge of activity in "coherent" x-ray optics has been documented in this monograph, the first of its type in the field.
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This book gives a thorough treatment of the rapidly-expanding field of coherent X-ray optics, which has recently experienced something of a renaissance with the availability of third-generation synchrotron sources. It is the first book of its kind. The author begins with a treatment of the fundamentals of X-ray diffraction for both coherent and partially coherent radiation, together with the interactions of X-rays with matter. X-ray sources, optical elements and detectors are then discussed, with an emphasis on their role in coherent X-ray optics. Various facets of coherent X-ray imaging are then discussed, including holography, interferometry, self imaging, phase contrast and phase retrieval. Lastly, the foundations of the new field of singular X-ray optics are examined. Most topics are developed from first principles, with numerous references given to the contemporary research literature. This book will be useful to X-ray physicists and students, together with optical physicists and engineers who wish to learn more about the fascinating subject of coherent X-ray optics.

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Additional Information

Authors David Paganin
Barcode 9780199673865
Brand Oxford University Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780199673865
Publication Date 15/08/2013
Publisher Oxford University Press UK