Oxford University Press New Media Worlds: Challenges for Convergence

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780195558364
  • Authors: Virginia Nightingale,Tim Dwyer
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press ANZ
  • Publication Date: 31/10/2007
Oxford University Press New Media Worlds: Challenges for Convergence
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Using a combination of case study materials, theoretical reflection and critical analysis this book explores four central issues for the study of new media and their impact on their user communities: 1 The impact of convergence on traditional media: explores the implications of media convergence for everyday media use and for the policy context. 2. Activism: using a series of case studies this section explores how user communities with special access needs are ensuring they are not denied access to the emerging new media world. 3. Access: provides an overview of areas where the introduction of new media has created debate about which social and cultural groups will benefit and how new media policy should be developed. 4. Participation: the emerging world of new media is inseparably linked to the commercialization of the internet and of mobile communications. This section examines the implications of the resulting commodification of information for the way audience formations are structured and operate.

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Additional Information

Authors Virginia Nightingale,Tim Dwyer
Barcode 9780195558364
Brand Oxford University Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780195558364
Publication Date 31/10/2007
Publisher Oxford University Press ANZ