Oxford Minidictionary for Nurses

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sku: 9780198788461

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780198788461
  • Authors: Elizabeth A. Martin
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press UK
  • Publication Date: 01/06/2017
This bestselling dictionary provides detailed coverage of the ever-expanding vocabulary of the nursing professions in an authoritative and accessible way. It is a must-have for all nurses, nursing students, and medical practitioners, including midwives and health visitors.
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The new edition of this bestselling and trusted dictionary has been fully updated and revised to take account of recent developments in nursing practice and related fields. Updates to this edition cover many areas, with a particular focus on areas such as nutrition, medical research, lymphology, and critical care nursing. Written by medical and nursing specialists, and offering more than 10,300 clear and concise entries on the theory and practice of nursing, the dictionary provides comprehensive coverage of the ever-expanding vocabulary of the nursing professions. As well as nursing-specific terms, there are also many entries in the fields of medicine, anatomy, physiology, ethics, psychiatry, nutrition, statistics, and pharmacology. Almost 100 helpful illustrations and tables, and 17 appendices covering the Code of Conduct 2015, the calculation of drug dosages, essential skill clusters, religion and nursing practice, recommended alcohol intake, and much more, make this an essential reference tool for all nursing students and professionals.

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Additional Information

Authors Elizabeth A. Martin
Barcode 9780198788461
Brand Oxford University Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780198788461
Publication Date 01/06/2017
Publisher Oxford University Press UK