Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Grammar and Punct Workbook Year 2

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sku: 9781741254426

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  • ISBN: 9781741254426
Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Grammar and Punct Workbook Year 2
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This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills series, which provides students with more challenging extension work in grammar and punctuation.

The Excel Advanced Skills Grammar and Punctuation Workbook series for Years 1–6 will help primary school students improve their grammar and punctuation—in English and in other subjects. Each unit has a different theme and focuses on a set of work dealing with two or more grammar or punctuation rules and how they work in everyday writing. All activities are designed to encourage students to think about and enjoy language, and to give them meaningful practice in using it.

This book has been specifically written for Year 2 Australian Curriculum English.

In this book you will find:

  • Fourteen self-contained units of work, each with a different theme
  • Introductory exercises to test recall
  • More challenging activities that require students to apply their acquired knowledge
  • Editing tasks that revise whole units
  • Challenging and fun practice activities that also reinforce the material learnt
  • Graded NAPLAN-style questions that test the unit as a whole and also help students revise for their NAPLAN Tests
  • Writing tasks that encourage students to write their own text using the grammar and punctuation they have learnt
  • A comprehensive glossary of terms used in the book
  • Answers to all questions

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9781741254426
Brand Pascal Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781741254426
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A