Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Grammar and Punct Workbook Year 6

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sku: 9781741254020

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  • ISBN: 9781741254020
Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Grammar and Punct Workbook Year 6
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This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills series, which provides students with more challenging extension work in grammar and punctuation. The Excel Advanced Sk ills series of Grammar and Punctuation Workbooks for Years 1&nd ash; 6 will help primary school students improve their grammar and pu nctuation in English and in other subjects.

This book is specif ically written for the YEAR 6 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM ENGLISH COUR SE.


About this book&nb sp;
1 Epic journeys 
2 A whale of a time! 
3 Chocolate 
4 Shipwrecks
5 We're going camping!
6 Courage 
7 Greek mythology 
8 Chew on this!
9 Striking it rich!
10 Natural disasters
11 Robots
12 Animals with armour
13 Famous Australians
14 Acting it out
15 Changing fashions
16 Rules and regulations
17 Television
18 Time
Glossary of terms

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9781741254020
Brand Pascal Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781741254020
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A