Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Reading and Comp. Workbook Year 2

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sku: 9781741255690

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  • ISBN: 9781741255690
Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Reading and Comp. Workbook Year 2
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This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills series, which provides students with more challenging extension work in reading and comprehension.

The Excel Advanced Skills ser ies of Reading and Comprehension Workbooks for Years 1–6 will help students improve their reading and comprehension—in English and i n other subjects—and become more competent, reflective and critica l readers.

The book teaches students how to answer the five t ypes of comprehension questions they are likely to encounter during thei r primary school years: fact-finding, synthesis, inferring, language and judgement questions.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781741255690
Brand Pascal Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781741255690
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A