Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Reading and Comp. Workbook Year 5

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sku: 9781741254549

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  • ISBN: 9781741254549
Pascal Press Excel Advanced Skills: Reading and Comp. Workbook Year 5
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The Excel Advanced Skills Reading and Comprehension Workbook Year 5 will help students improve their reading a nd comprehension—in English and in other subjects—and become more competent, reflective and critical readers.

The first p art of the book focuses on reading strategies such as skimming, scanning , visualising, connecting, predicting, inferring, monitoring and ju dging (reading reflectively and critically).

The second part of the book shows students how to answer the five types of comprehension questions they are likely to encounter during their primary school years: fact-finding, synthesis, inferring, language and judgement quest ions.

This book has been specifically written for the YEAR 5 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM ENGLISH COURSE.


How to use this book
< strong>Section 1: Reading strategies
1 Skimming
2 Vis ualising
3 Connecting
4 Predicting
5 Inferring
6 Mon itoring
7 Judging
8 Scanning
Section 2: Types of questions
Fact-finding questions
Synthesis questions< br />Inferring questions
Language questions
Judgement question s
Section 3: Bringing it all together
Mixed q uestions

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9781741254549
Brand Pascal Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781741254549
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A