Pascal Press Excel Basic Skills: Mental Maths Strategies Year 1

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sku: 9781741251845

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  • ISBN: 9781741251845
Pascal Press Excel Basic Skills: Mental Maths Strategies Year 1
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More than just Mental Maths books - this series will equip students w ith all the mental maths strategies they need to excel in Maths through out their lives. Mental Maths is the maths we do in our heads without th e use of calculators and without writing down the calculation. Mental Ma ths strategies are the 'tricks' we use to do Maths in our heads. There a re different ways of finding the answer to any Mental Maths problem, and such strategies are the focus of this series. Mental Maths has become m ore important than ever and new primary Maths syllabuses in Australia ar e reflecting this. For example, NSW has placed an emphasis on Mental Mat hs in its primary syllabus, and even the Year 10 School Certificate exam ination has a compulsory non-calculator section.

Features of this book:

  • 32 double-page units of Mentals are included - 8 uni ts for each school term. Each unit is divided into four sets (A, B, C an d D)
  • each set within each unit covers a different area of Maths : for example, set A always covers addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, while set D always covers measurement
  • the fun il lustrations and cartoons will help children engage with the Maths concep ts and enjoy completing the activities
  • the answers to all quest ions are in a lift-out section in the centre of the book
  • a spec ial 'Help' section at the front of the book gives different strategies a nd explanations to help students solve Mentals problems. This link to th e different kind of questions found in sets A, B, C and D

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781741251845
Brand Pascal Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781741251845
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A