Pascal Press Targeting Phonics Years 2-3

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sku: 9781925726367

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  • ISBN: 9781925726367
Pascal Press Targeting Phonics Years 2-3
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he Targeting Phonics series uses systematic synthetic phonics and follows the learning progression in the Australian Curriculum.

In Book 3, students learn:

  • ‘r’ controlled vowels: ar, er, or
  • vowel digraphs: ow, oi
  • vowel trigraphs: ear, air
  • consonant trigraphs: tch, dge
  • three-letter consonant blends: scr, str, spr, spl
  • consonant digraph blends: shr, thr
  • to decode and spell words with two or more syllables, including compound words
  • to add endings to verbs to create word families and to create comparative adjectives
  • silent letters and less common sounds.

Units 1–3 and 6–7 include a:

  • pictorial Sound Card with an audio component, that lets children hear each sound pronounced correctly before they complete the activities.
  • QR code that links to the video of each sound.

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9781925726367
Brand Pascal Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781925726367
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A