Pearson Education Australia Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism

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sku: 9781292363516

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  • ISBN: 9781292363516
For courses in Hospitality Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Restaurant Marketing, or Hotel Marketing.
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For courses in Hospitality Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Restaurant Marketing, or Hotel Marketing. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 7/e is the definitive source for hospitality marketing. Taking an integrative approach, this highly visual, four-color book discusses hospitality marketing from a team perspective, examining each hospitality department and its role in the marketing mechanism. These best-selling authors are known as leading marketing educators and their book, a global phenomenon, is the leading resource on hospitality and tourism marketing. The Seventh Edition of this popular book includes new and updated coverage of social media, destination tourism and other current industry trends, authentic industry cases, and hands-on application activities. Features Keep your course current with the latest information and trends in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing. UPDATED: Shows readers the importance of sharing economy and social media. Social media topics are integrated throughout the book to show how it can increase customer loyalty, build brand awareness, and reduce promotions costs. Material on crowdsourcing, consumer-generated content, live-like-a-local, social responsibility, and other current topics gives readers an up-to-date view of how sharing economy and social media affect marketing efforts. Chapter 16 now includes a major section on social media. UPDATED: Extends generational and lifestyle marketing - The Seventh Edition expands on generational and lifestyle marketing and provides current cases and examples of generational and lifestyle concepts throughout the book. UPDATED: Provides a contemporary overview of destination marketing. An extensively revised Chapter 17 includes a destination marketing framework, new sections on tourism competitiveness, branding tourist destinations, and creating and managing visitor experiences such as co-creation and live-like-a-local experiences, reflecting the current and future state of this increasingly important space. UPDATED: Reflects current industry trends. The Seventh Edition is extensively revised throughout every chapter to give readers the most current view of the field. UPDATED: Uses interesting industry examples to entertain and engage students. Chapter-opening Vignettes, Marketing Highlights, and other features highlight hot-button issues in marketing. Over half of the chapter-opening vignettes are new illustrating how topical brands or new cases and examples show how actual companies have successfully applied marketing theories to real life situations. Translates the authors' industry and academic experience into the definitive book for this course. The author is known as the leading marketing educator worldwide and this book is known as "the bible" of the hospitality field. Explains how each team member in every area of operation participates in hospitality marketing. Its integrative approach examines various roles (general manager, human resource manager, food and beverage manager, front and back office, etc.) and their contribution to marketing efforts. Bring the subject to life and facilitate learning. UPDATED: Provides hands-on application assignments. Assignments include end-of-chapter Experiential Exercises and Internet Exercises that require students to visit a business, analyze a marketing tactic, and evaluate industry-leading websites. UPDATED: Features lively photographs, drawings and tables. Each page is laid out in vivid, four-color format. New photos in the Seventh Edition illustrate the growth of international tourism. Develops important critical-thinking skills. Students are challenged with thought-provoking case studies and end-of-chapter questions. Helps students focus their study and retain important concepts. Chapter Objectives, Key Terms, and Chapter Reviews provide convenient learning and memory tools. Support teaching and learning. UPDATED: Supports teaching with comprehensive instructor supplements. An Instructor’s Manual, a test bank, and PowerPoint slides help instructors easily deliver their course. While the text is eighteen chapters, the flexible chapter organization allows instructors to opt to use fewer chapters depending on the scope of their program. Additionally, supplemental engaging videos can be accessed by contacting Table of Contents Part I: Understanding the Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Process 1. Introduction: Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism 2. Service Characteristics of Hospitality and Tourism Marketing 3. The Role of Marketing in Strategic Planning PART II: Developing Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Opportunities and Strategies 4. The Marketing Environment 5. Managing Customer Information to Gain Customers Insights 6. Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying Behavior 7. Organizational Buyer Behavior of Group Market 8. Customer Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers PART III: Developing the Hospitality and Tourism Customer Value-Driven Strategy and Mix 9. Designing and Managing Products and Brands: Building Customer Value 10. Internal Marketing 11. Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value 12. Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value 13. Engaging Customers and Communicating Customer Value 14. Public Relations and Sales Promotion 15. Professional Sales 16. Direct, Online, Social Media and Mobile PART IV: Managing Hospitality and Tourism Marketing 17. Destination Marketing 18. Next Year’s Marketing Plan

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781292363516
Brand Pearson Education
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781292363516
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A