Pearson Education Business Statistics 4E

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sku: 9781292269313

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  • ISBN: 9781292269313
Pearson Education Business Statistics 4E
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This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content, which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. 

For two-semester business statistics courses.

Relevant statistical methods that empower individuals to make effective, data-informed business decisions

Business Statistics, 4th Edition, by Sharpe, Sharpe, De Veaux, and Velleman, narrows the gap between theory and practice, by covering relevant and real-life statistical methods that help business students make good, data-driven decisions. With their unique blend of teaching, consulting, and entrepreneurial experiences, this dynamic author team brings a modern edge to teaching statistics to business students. Focusing on stats in the context of real business issues, with an emphasis on analysis and understanding over computation, the text helps students to be analytical, prepares them to make better business decisions, and shows them how to effectively communicate results.

MyLab Statistics is not included. Students, if MyLab Statistics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Statistics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

Reach every student by pairing this text with MyLab Statistics


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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781292269313
Brand Pearson Education
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781292269313
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A