Pearson Education High-Acuity Nursing 7E

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sku: 9780134459295

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780134459295
  • Authors: Kathleen Dorman Wagner RN, MSN, CS,Melanie Hardin-Pierce,Darlene Welsh,Karen Johnson RN, PhD, CCRN
  • Edition: 7
  • Publisher: Pearson Education
  • Publication Date: 09/01/2018
Pearson Education High-Acuity Nursing 7E
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High-Acuity Nursing provides a comprehensive knowledge set needed to care for adult patients with complex, unpredictable conditions across settings, from high-skill, long-term facilities to critical care units. Focusing on the relationship between pathophysiology and the nursing process, the text encourages students to think critically to reach optimal clinical decisions for high-acuity patients. All chapters in the 7th edition have been updated and many have been reorganised and expanded. A new chapter focuses on palliative care and end-of-life issues, and new features address quality and safety, along with genetic considerations.

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Additional Information

Authors Kathleen Dorman Wagner RN, MSN, CS,Melanie Hardin-Pierce,Darlene Welsh,Karen Johnson RN, PhD, CCRN
Barcode 9780134459295
Brand Pearson Education
Edition 7
ISBN 9780134459295
Publication Date 09/01/2018
Publisher Pearson Education