Pearson Education Principles & Practice of Physics, Global Edition, 2nd editio

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sku: 9781292364704

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  • ISBN: 9781292364704
Pearson Education Principles & Practice of Physics, Global Edition, 2nd editio
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For a strong, deep, and fundamentally simple understanding of physics

Eric Mazur's groundbreaking Principles and Practice of Physics establishes an understanding of physics that is thorough and accessible. Mazur's unique pedagogy and popular peer-to-peer instruction techniques incorporate insights supported by physics education research (PER) to help students develop a true conceptual understanding alongside the quantitative skills needed in the course. The material emphasises core unifying ideas with the first half of each chapter teaching the ideas using words and images - not mathematics. The second half of each chapter casts the ideas into quantitative and symbolic form.

The 2nd Edition integrates key features from the Practice volume into the Principles volume and provides all Practice volume content in Mastering Physics. The new edition provides new prelecture material that better prepares students to come to class ready to participate and supports instructors in building active and relevant lectures.

This product contains Volume 1 of Principles & Practice of Physics (Chapters 1-21) and Volume 2 of Principles & Practice of Physics (Chapters 22-34) Samples

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781292364704
Brand Pearson Education
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781292364704
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A