Primary English Teaching Association Australia Coding animated narratives

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sku: 9781925132823

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  • ISBN: 9781925132823
Primary English Teaching Association Australia Coding animated narratives
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Dive into the intersection of coding and storytelling with this groundbreaking book. The Australian Curriculum: English (along with its rendition in each of the Australian States and Territories) indicates that students should use a range of software programs to compose increasingly complex print, visual, multimodal and digital texts, experimenting with language, design, layout and graphics. Meanwhile, outside of schooling, large and increasing number of primary school-age students are using coding to create a plethora of stories, games, and narratives.

As coding becomes an essential skill for the 21st-century learner, educators face the challenge of bridging traditional literacy with digital fluency. In this book, teachers from diverse backgrounds share their expertise with fellow educators as a model for exploring the fusion of coding and narrative composition, using Scratch as their canvas. Discover how teachers with minimal coding knowledge embarked on a transformative journey into new methods of digital storytelling unlocking the creative potential of their students along the way. Through Scratch, students not only learn to code but also craft intricate narratives, exploring themes, characters, and emotions in a digital landscape.

Each chapter offers a unique perspective, from whole-school implementations to individual classroom adventures. Teachers share their professional learning experiences, classroom strategies, and the remarkable stories that emerged from their students’ imagination. With practical insights and examples of student work, this book empowers educators to embrace coding as a tool for literacy development.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781925132823
Brand Primary English Teaching Association Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781925132823
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A