Primary English Teaching Association Australia Grammar and Meaning 3rd edition

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sku: 9781925132847

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  • ISBN: 9781925132847
Primary English Teaching Association Australia Grammar and Meaning 3rd edition
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This third edition of Grammar and meaning considers how the Language, Literature and Literacy strands of the Australian Curriculum: English can be interwoven effectively by using metalanguage as a ‘toolkit’ to explore and enhance the interpretation and composition of texts across the curriculum. This approach allows students to talk and think systematically about the meanings language makes, as well as the forms and structures used to make those meanings.

The book contains grammar summaries, exercises and reflections to introduce relevant functions and forms of grammar. This is followed by a focus on language patterns in whole texts. This whole-text work is organised into two distinct sections (Foundation–Year 3 and Years 4–6) to make closer connections with language patterns and uses of language. The targeted learning activities and classroom notes in these sections support deepening knowledge about how language is used at different stages of learning, and provide models of how to apply that knowledge to select and prepared texts and activities to integrate language, literacy and literature in the classroom.

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9781925132847
Brand Primary English Teaching Association Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781925132847
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A