Primary English Teaching Association Australia The Shape of Text to Come 2E

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sku: 9781925132762

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  • ISBN: 9781925132762
Primary English Teaching Association Australia The Shape of Text to Come 2E
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We read, view and communicate in a variety of ways in our everyday lives. The shape of text to come: How image, text and other modes work provides a theoretical framework for understanding and working with visual and multimodal texts for both practicing educators and students.

This book explores the breadth of multimodal texts and how they can make meaning, unearthing links between spoken, written and visual literacies in formats as wide-ranging as imaginative play, including video games; music and sound; still and moving images; fashion, layout and design, including web design; picture books, comics and graphic novels; advertising and more.

Written in a clear and accessible style, this thoroughly researched second edition reconsiders the role of multimodal texts in teaching and learning. It examines how we develop metalanguages for meaning-making and identifies core principles for investigating visual and multimodal texts in the classroom.


With an updated collection of striking images and references to a variety of quality texts, this second edition makes connections across all key learning areas and is closely linked to the new Australian Curriculum. It features refreshed classroom strategies and activities for exploring visual and multimodal texts, integrating appropriate information communication technology along the way.

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Additional Information

Authors N/A
Barcode 9781925132762
Brand Primary English Teaching Association Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781925132762
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A