Basic principles of open channel flows - Introduction, Fundamenta l equations, Applications of the Bernoulli equation to open channel flow s, Applications of the momentum principle, Uniform flows and gradually v aried flows. Part 2: Introduction to sediment transport in open channels - Sediment transport and sediment properties, Inception of sediment mot ion - occurrence of bed load motion, Inception of suspended load motion, Sediment transport mechanisms - bed load transport, Sediment transport mechanisms - suspended load transport, Sediment transport capacity and t otal sediment transport. Part 3: Hydraulic modelling - Summary of basic hydraulic principles, Physical modelling of hydraulics, Numerical modell ing: backwater computations, Unsteady open channel flows - basic equatio ns, Unsteady open channel flows - applications, Numerical modelling of u nsteady open channel flows. Part 4: Design of hydraulic systems - Introd uction to the design of hydraulic structures, Design of weirs and spillw ays, Design of drop structures and stepped cascades, Culvert design. Ind ex.