Sage Publications Ltd Social Media Marketing 5E

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sku: 9781529623826

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  • ISBN: 9781529623826
Sage Publications Ltd Social Media Marketing 5E
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The original, bestselling, and award-winning textbook on social media marketing, featuring all the essential topics, concepts, research, and practical application for study and career success. Now thoroughly updated in this fifth edition to reflect the latest developments in social media marketing research and practice, and with new case studies and examples, including brands such as Apple, Cadbury, LUSH Cosmetics and Zoom. A must-read for all students and practitioners of social media marketing. Tracy L. Tuten is a professor of marketing at Sofia University, USA.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781529623826
Brand Sage Publications Ltd
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781529623826
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A