Sinauer Associates ebook Sensation and Perception 7E

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sku: 9780197663844

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  • ISBN: 9780197663844
Sinauer Associates ebook Sensation and Perception 7E
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Sensation and Perception, introduces students to the fascinating world of human senses, and helps them answer interesting questions such as, why do some substances taste sweet, or why does music sound musical? The authors, specialists in their respective domains, strive to spread their enthusiasm for fundamental questions about the human senses, and the impact that answers to those questions have on medical and societal issues.Using clear writing and engaging and relevant features that apply scientific knowledge to everyday life and walk students through the scientific process and experimental design, Sensation and Perception is accessible to students from various majors. A comprehensive and balanced blend of neuroscience and cognitive psychology, Sensation and Perception studies the interaction and multisensory nature of sensory experiences of the senses. The new edition offers a robust, hands-on media offering through Oxford Insight, which includes learning objectives, self-assessment, chapter overviews, and activities that engage students through videos, simulations, and demonstrations.

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Authors N/A
Brand Sinauer Associates
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780197663844
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A