Text Publishing A Constant Hum

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sku: 9781925773842

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9781925773842
  • Authors: Alice Bishop
  • Publisher: The Text Publishing Company
  • Publication Date: 02/07/2019
Text Publishing A Constant Hum
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A young and exciting new literary voice, emerging from one of Australia's worst natural disasters.

Before the bushfires-before the front of flames comes roaring over the hills-the ridges are thick with gums.

After the fires, the birds have gone. There is only grey ash and melted metal, the blackened husks of cars.

And the lost people- in temporary accommodation on the outskirts of the city, on the TV news in borrowed clothes, or remembered in flyers on a cafe wall.

A Constant Hum grapples with the aftermath of disaster with an eye for telling detail. Some of these stories cut to the bone; others are empathetic stories of survival, even hope. All are gripping and beautifully written, heralding the arrival of an important new voice in literary fiction.

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Additional Information

Authors Alice Bishop
Barcode 9781925773842
Brand Text Publishing
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781925773842
Publication Date 02/07/2019
Publisher The Text Publishing Company