- ACC1100 - Accounting 1
- ACC2250 - Accounting II
- ACC2350 - Cost Accounting 2
- ACC2360 - Managerial Accounting 2
- ACC2700 - Financial Accounting 4
- ACC3510 - Auditing 3
- ACC3700 - Financial Accounting, Theory and Practice
- ACC6010 - Accounting Concepts and Applications
- ACC6015 - Corporate Accounting and Reporting
- ACC6020 - Accounting for Managerial Planning and Control
- ACC6025 - Accounting Theory, Research and Practice
- ACC6030 - Auditing and Assurance Services
- ACS2122 - Aboriginal Perspectives on the Environment
- ACS4133 - Aboriginal Communities
- ACT1003 - Foundations of Movement for an Actor
- ACT1004 - Discovering the Performer's Voice
- ADM1320 - Computing for Arts Management
- ADM1415 - Managing Arts Organisations
- ADM2310 - Managing People
- ADM3510 - Financial Decision Making for the Arts
- ADS1151 - Addiction Studies: Fundamental Concepts
- ADS3252 - Addiction Studies: Counselling Skills 1
- ADS3355 - Addiction Studies: Social Action
- ADV1116 - Foundations of Advertising
- AED1240 - Drama Arts in Early Childhood Education
- AED1260 - The Arts in Education 1
- AED3245 - Visual Arts in Early Childhood Education
- AED4271 - Music Arts in Education
- AED6160 - Visual Arts and Music Education in Early Childhood
- AED6205 - Teaching the Arts
- ATP4440 - ATP4440
- BDJ1000 - Introduction to Broadcasting and Digital Journalism
- BDJ2200 - New Media and Social Influence
- BDJ3100 - Convergent Digital Newsroom
- BPD3205 - Production Studies 3A
- BUS6900 - Management Practicum
- CCA5102 - Literature Review
- CCA6100 - Developing Resources for Clinical Education
- CCC1101 - Texts and Meanings
- CCC3106 - Contemporary Australian Literature
- CCC3109 - Speculative Fiction
- CED4260 - An Introduction to Catholic Education
- CED4261 - Religious Education in Catholic Schools
- CED4262 - Catholic Studies: Prayer and Morality
- CHN1101 - Ecology of Children and Families 1
- CHN3130 - Purpose of Play
- CHN3206 - Designing Family Support Programs
- CMH5109 - Contemporary Issues in Mental Health
- CMH5110 - Assessment in Mental Health
- CMH5215 - Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- CMH5216 - Community Mental Health
- CMH5217 - Forensic Mental Health
- CMM1124 - Media and Nation
- CMM2225 - Popular Music and Culture
- CMM5165 - Media and Society in a Globalised World
- COU0101 - Dynamic Models of Counselling
- COU1101 - Dynamic Models of Counselling
- COU1201 - Therapeutic Practice with Families and Couples
- COU2102 - Therapeutic Practice with Children and Adolescents
- COU3102 - Self Development 2
- COU5303 - Couples and Family Therapy
- COU6113 - Principles of Psychodynamic Practice
- COU6305 - Individual Psychotherapy Practice 1
- COU6428 - Couples and Family Therapy Practice 1
- CRI1103 - Criminology
- CRI1107 - The Criminal Justice Process
- CRI2101 - Professional Skills - Case Management
- CRI2110 - Research Methods II
- CSG3308 - Wireless Security
- CSG3309 - IT Security Management
- CSI1101 - Computer Security
- CSI1241 - Systems Analysis
- CSI3105 - Software Testing
- CSI3208 - Ethical Hacking and Defence
- CSI6199 - Cyber Security
- CSI6208 - Programming Principles
- CSP1150 - Programming Principles
- CSV1101 - Introduction to Community Work
- CSV1103 - Interpersonal Skills
- CSV2111 - Community Development
- CSV2115 - Leadership and Management in Community Services
- CSV3101 - Social Policy
- CUR6010 - Programming and Assessment in Literacy
- CYB6003 - Network Security
- CYB6011 - Information Warfare
- DAN5101 - Project/Thesis Preparation and Development
- DES5102 - Design Thinking
- DTE2110 - Design and Technology Education 1
- DTM1104 - Materials Design & Technology 1
- DTM2105 - Materials Design and Technology 4
- EAP0201 - Professional Skills for Education Assistants
- EAP0202 - Child and Adolescent Development and Education
- EAP0204 - Curriculum Support for Teachers and Learners
- EAP0221 - Professional Skills for Educators
- EAP0223 - Uni Prep
- ECE6130 - Constructing Early Childhood Curriculum
- ECE6160 - Effective Pedagogy and Practice in Early Childhood Contexts
- ECE6230 - Constructing Curriculum in Early Childhood
- ECE6240 - Child Development for the Early Years
- ECE6320 - Physical Education, Health and Wellbeing for Young Children (Healthy, Active and Safe Children)
- ECF1110 - Economics 1
- ECF1120 - Finance I
- ECF2210 - Capital Markets
- ECF2222 - Corporate Finance
- ECF2226 - Investment Finance
- ECF3120 - Financial Modelling
- ECF3312 - Financial Institutions Management
- ECF3510 - Personal Finance
- ECF6102 - Quantitative Skills for Business
- ECF6105 - Economic Analysis for Business
- ECF6110 - Business Finance
- ECM2260 - Early Childhood Mathematics 1
- ECS1240 - Becoming an Early Childhood Educator
- ECS1250 - Learning and Learners
- ECS2240 - Guiding Children's Behaviour in Positive Learning Environments
- EDF3202 - Aboriginal Contexts in Primary Education
- EDF3203 - Aboriginal Contexts in Secondary Education
- EDF6202 - Aboriginal Contexts in Primary Education
- EDF6203 - Aboriginal Contexts in Secondary Education
- EDL1240 - Introduction to Teaching
- EDL1250 - Learning and Learners
- EDS3240 - Including Children with Special Educational Needs
- EDU1010 - Becoming a Teacher
- EDU2110 - Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- EDU2231 - Creating Positive Learning Environments
- EDU3240 - Including children with Special Educational needs
- EDU3265 - Assessing and Evaluating Learning
- EDU4220 - Programs and Curricula for Students with High Support Needs
- EDU4271 - Managing the Behaviour of Students with Special Educational Needs
- EDU4310 - Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour in Young Children
- EDU6015 - Learners and Learning
- EDU6230 - Classroom Management and Instruction
- EDU6231 - Learning and Teaching: From Theory to Practice
- EDU6373 - Foundation Studies and Current Issues in Special Education
- ENG1140 - Discovering Literature
- ENG2118 - Literature and Theory
- ENG3140 - From Fiction to Film
- ENG3160 - Graphic Novels
- ENM3218 - Fluid Mechanics
- ENS1115 - Materials and Manufacturing 1
- ENS1161 - Computer Fundamentals
- ENS2018 - Mechanical Science
- ENS2108 - Mechanical Science
- ENS2115 - Process Engineering Fundamentals
- ENS2159 - Engineering Innovation and Ethics
- ENS3105 - Mechanical Design and Development
- ENS3551 - Electrical Networks
- ENS5170 - Civil Engineering Design
- ENS5252 - Construction Technology
- ENS5261 - Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Systems
- ENS5361 - Power Systems 2
- ENS5447 - Propagation and Antennas
- ENS5543 - Engineering Management
- ENS6100 - Fluid Mechanics
- ENS6132 - Mechanical Design and Development
- ENS6139 - Engineering Innovation and Ethics
- ENS6149 - Structural Analysis
- EPA6164 - Research Project 1
- EPA6330 - Leading Staff
- EPA6370 - Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education
- FAV2150 - Screen Production
- FBL3500 - Business Internship 2
- FBL5010 - Managing People and Organisations
- FBL5020 - Marketing Leadership
- FBL5030 - Fundamentals of Value Creation in Business
- FBL6505 - Professional Internship I
- HEE2113 - Food Knowledge and Appreciation
- HEE2312 - Home Economics Curriculum 1
- HEE6711 - Home Economics Education Foundations
- HIS3108 - Leadership and Strategy: Studies in the Exercise of Power
- HOS2110 - Food and Beverage Management
- HOS3100 - Hospitality and Tourism Management
- HPE2240 - Health & Physical Education in Primary Schools
- HPU2303 - Human Processes 3
- HPU2404 - Human Processes 4
- HSS2130 - Teaching and Learning in Humanities and Social Sciences
- HSS2240 - Humanities and Social Science in Primary Schools 1
- HSS3110 - Planning and Teaching Lower Secondary Humanities and Social Sciences
- HSS6180 - Humanities and Social Sciences Birth to 8 Years
- HSS6711 - Humanities and Social Sciences Education Foundations
- HST1111 - Population Health
- HST1120 - Introduction to Health Promotion
- HST1125 - Health Priorities and Human Behaviour
- HST1154 - Occupational Health & Safety Law
- HST1160 - Occupational and Environmental Health Regulation
- HST2122 - Health Research Methodology
- HST3503 - Workplace Compensation and Injury Management
- HST5161 - Public Health: Philosophy, Principles and Practice
- HST6355 - Ageing, Health and Wellbeing
- IAS3100 - Indigenous Health
- INB2102 - International Busines 2
- IPP4350 - Assistant Teacher Program
- LAN1009 - Communication Skills for Teaching and Learning
- LAN2240 - English in the Early Years of Primary School
- LAN3246 - English 3: Literacy in the Junior Primary Years of School
- LAN3280 - English in Middle and Upper Primary School
- LAN3356 - English 3: Literacy Learning in Junior Primary
- LAN6015 - Language Education
- LAN6120 - Language and Literacy Birth to 5 Years
- LAN6124 - How Children Learn Literacy: Processes, Development, Difficulties
- LAN6601 - Introduction to Secondary English Teaching
- LAN6711 - English Education Foundations
- LAN6731 - Media Education Foundations
- LAW1100 - Legal Framework I
- LAW1111 - Contract Law I
- LAW1600 - Legal Writing and Research
- LAW2300 - Company Law II
- LAW2410 - Income Tax Framework II
- LAW2605 - Security and the Law
- LAW3855 - Human Rights Law
- LAW4108 - International Law
- LAW6300 - Principles of Taxation Law
- LAW6501 - Principles of Contract and Corporate Law in Business
- LST6281 - Understanding Language
- MAE1250 - Foundations of Primary Mathematics
- MAE2250 - Teaching and Learning in Primary Mathematics 1
- MAN1100 - Management
- MAN2120 - Organisational Behaviour
- MAN2145 - Human Resource Management
- MAN2170 - Starting up a Project
- MAN2172 - Planning the Project
- MAN2610 - Managing for Sustainability
- MAN3115 - Applied Project Management
- MAN3121 - Leadership 3
- MAN3205 - Strategic Human Resource Management 3
- MAN3503 - Strategic Management
- MAN3712 - Monitoring and Controlling a Project
- MAN3714 - Managing Project Quality and Risk
- MAN3716 - Contemporary Issues in Project Management
- MAN3810 - Business Ethics
- MAN5401 - Managing Project Scope and Stakeholders
- MAN5402 - Project Scheduling and Control
- MAN5730 - HRM Fundamentals
- MAN5901 - Information Systems Challenges in Management
- MAN5902 - Business Systems Analysis
- MAN6301 - Project Risk Management
- MAN6302 - Managing Project Quality
- MAN6304 - Project Leadership
- MAN6704 - Managing and Rewarding Employee Performance
- MAN6714 - Current Issues in Human Resource Management
- MAN6724 - Healthy Work and Wellbeing
- MAN6910 - Business Process Management
- MAT1252 - Mathematics for Computing
- MAT5212 - Biostatistics
- MAT5219 - Modelling and Simulation
- MAT6206 - Data Analysis and Visualisation
- MBA6010 - Responsible Management
- MBA6064 - Transformative Leadership
- MBA6090 - Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity
- MBA6115 - Business in a Global Context
- MBA6140 - Strategic Leadership & Stakeholder Management
- MHS1101 - Anatomy and Physiology 1
- MIP1203 - Midwifery Practice 1: Midwifery Principles and Beginning Competencies
- MIP2101 - Midwifery Practice 2: Midwifery Practice in a Continuity of Care Environment
- MIP2102 - Midwifery Practice 3: Developing Midwifery Competencies
- MIP3101 - Midwifery Practice 4: Intrapartum Midwifery Care of the Well Woman and Baby
- MIP4209 - Midwifery Practice 5: Continuing Midwifery Practice Competence
- MIP4210 - Midwifery Practice 6: Midwifery Care Across the Spectrum
- MIT1101 - Dimensions of Healthy Childbearing
- MIT2101 - Antenatal and Postnatal Care of the Well Woman
- MIT3101 - Midwifery Care of the Well Neonate
- MIT4101 - Applied Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Midwifery
- MIT5202 - Screening and Diagnostics in Midwifery
- MIT5203 - Pharmacology and Prescribing for Midwives
- MIT6202 - Complex Care in Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium
- MKT2605 - Promotional Marketing
- MKT2608 - Consumer Behaviour
- MKT2805 - Social Media Marketing
- MKT3600 - New Product Development
- MKT3606 - Current Issues in Marketing
- MKT3820 - Marketing Analytics
- MKT6302 - Promotional Marketing
- MNP6101 - Evidence-based Practice and Research Design
- MNP6102 - Clinical Pharmacology 1
- MNP6103 - Holistic Health Assessment
- MNP6106 - Transition to Nurse Practitioner Practice
- MNP6107 - Nursing Research Project
- MPE6105 - Primary Mathematics Education
- MPE6115 - Primary Mathematics Education
- MSC6110 - Mathematics and Technologies for Young Children
- MTH1001 - Music Skills 1
- MTH1101 - Vocal Technique and Music 1
- MUE2240 - Music Arts in Early Childhood Education
- MUS1706 - Italian Lyric Diction 1
- MUS1711 - Italian 1
- MUS3508 - Music History: Classic to Romantic
- MUS3710 - French Lyric Diction 1
- NCS2101 - Adult Health
- NCS2201 - Older Adult Health
- NCS3203 - Law and Ethics in Health
- NCS6100 - Nursing Cultural Studies
- NCS6101 - Fundamentals of Nursing
- NNI5104 - Health Issues in Gerontology
- NNT5100 - Foundations of Children and Young People's Nursing
- NPP3101 - Nursing Practice 2
- NPP6101 - Adult Health Practice 1
- NPP6103 - Mental Health Practice
- NPP6106 - Nursing Practice 1
- NPP6108 - Nursing Practice 3
- NPU1101 - Nursing Practice 1
- NPU1202 - Nursing Practice 2
- NPU2303 - Nursing Practice 3
- NSC3103 - Clinical Sciences 3
- NSC6101 - Nursing Bioscience 1
- NSC6103 - Nursing Bioscience 3
- NSC6104 - Mental Health Disorders
- NSI2409 - Nursing Adults 2
- NSP6105 - Nurse Practitioner Professional Practice 2
- NST6101 - Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Setting
- NUM1102 - Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives
- NUM1203 - Health Assessment
- NUM1205 - Legal and Ethical Requirements in Nursing and Midwifery Practice
- NUM1308 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' Health and Wellness
- NUM2306 - Adult Health Care 1
- NUM2308 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' Health and Wellness
- NUM3511 - Community Health Care in Nursing and Midwifery Practice
- NUM3612 - Research and Teaching in Clinical Practice
- NUR1402 - Older Adult Health
- NUR3503 - Nursing Children and Young People
- NUR3504 - Transitioning to the Role of Registered Nurse
- NUR3605 - Nursing Leadership, Governance and Culture
- NUR5211 - Contemporary Care of the Ageing 1
- NUR5212 - Contemporary Care of the Ageing 2
- NUT1112 - Nutrition and Public Health
- NUT1121 - Human Nutrition
- NUT2210 - Nutrition in the Life Cycle
- NUT6105 - Medical Nutrition Therapy 2
- NUT6107 - Community Placement and Evaluation
- OCT1101 - Theory of Occupation
- OCT1104 - Clinical Science 1
- OCT1204 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- OCT2203 - Applied Kinesiology
- OCT3201 - Physical Rehabilitation
- OCT4102 - Creativity and Health
- OHS6107 - Workplace Hazards
- OHS6110 - Workers Compensation & Rehabilitation
- OHS6130 - Workplace Health And Safety Law
- OHS6132 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
- OHS6144 - Occupational Hygiene 1: Chemical Aspects
- OHS6162 - Occupational Hygiene 3: Control
- PHO2105 - Photo Work
- PHO3316 - Landscape: Space and Place
- PPA2211 - First Professional Practice
- PPA4311 - Assistant Teacher Program
- PRN1000 - Foundations of Public Relations
- PSM1005 - Voice Fundamentals and Wellbeing
- PSP1236 - Paramedic Clinical Placements 1
- PSP3101 - Advanced Paramedical Practice 1
- PSR5101 - Managing Risk in the Clinical Environment
- PST1107 - Perspectives in Paramedic Professional Practice
- PST1201 - Lifespan Development for Paramedics
- PST2102 - Trauma Studies for Paramedics
- PST5107 - Advanced Obstetrics for Paramedics
- PST5110 - Advanced Cardiac Studies
- PST5111 - Advanced Medical Studies
- PST5200 - Extended Care Paramedicine 1
- PST5300 - Paramedic Advanced Practice 1
- PST6105 - Retrieval Medicine
- PSY1101 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSY1115 - Psychology of Motivation and Emotion
- PSY2305 - Individual Differences
- PSY3303 - Research Applications and Ethical Issues
- PSY3456 - Mental Health and Psychological Interventions
- PSY5122 - Psychology
- PSY5211 - Clinical Psychology: Introduction to Practice
- PSY6244 - Family Psychology
- RES5115 - Research Preparation: Principles and Approaches
- RES6101 - Research Preparation: Methods of Research
- RPS1100 - Communications For The Professions
- RPS3110 - Applied Research Methods
- SAH1100 - Communicating Ideas
- SAH1200 - Media and Culture
- SAH2110 - Identity
- SBL1100 - Foundations of Business
- SBL1300 - Business Environments & Markets
- SBL1400 - Introduction to Business Analytics
- SBL2100 - Cultural Business Intelligence
- SBL3500 - Integrated Business Application
- SBL4510 - Professional Practice Foundation
- SBL4520 - Professional Practice
- SCC2211 - Organic Chemistry
- SCC3201 - Analytical Chemistry
- SCE2240 - Early Childhood Science and Technology Education
- SCE3240 - Science Education in Primary Schools 2
- SCE6103 - Primary Science Education
- SCE6120 - Science for Young Children
- SCH1105 - Introduction to Pharmacology
- SCH1111 - Fundamental Biomedical Techniques
- SCH1133 - Human Genetics
- SCH2226 - Human Molecular Genetics
- SCH2235 - Applied Microbiology
- SCH3216 - Advanced Forensic Skills
- SCH3223 - Medical Genetics
- SCI1125 - Professional Science Essentials
- SCI1192 - Physical Environments
- SCI1193 - Introduction to Environmental Science
- SCI2112 - Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- SCI2117 - Genetics
- SCI3112 - Evolution and Systematics
- SCI3114 - Ecophysiology
- SCM2201 - Soil and Land Processes
- SCN1111 - Health Science 1
- SCP1111 - Physics of Motion
- SCP1132 - Introduction to Physics
- SCP2343 - Intermediate Physics
- SCY1117 - Intelligence Foundations
- SCY2108 - Security Control Systems
- SCY2109 - Surveillance Systems
- SON1101 - Sectional Anatomy and Comparative Imaging 1
- SPE2104 - Analysis of Sensorimotor Systems
- SPE3107 - Clinical Practicum 1
- SPE4110 - Clinical Practicum 3
- SPE4111 - Clinical Practicum 4
- SPE4244 - Disability and Communication
- SPM1001 - Introduction to Recreation
- SPM2104 - Managing Recreation Services and Facilities
- SPM3113 - Sport Law and Leisure
- SPM3655 - Sport and Events Funding and Finance
- SPO1050 - Screen Histories
- SPO2050 - Scriptwriting
- SPO2200 - Screen Practice 2: Factuals and Formats
- SPS1217 - Functional Anatomy
- SPS1530 - Lifespan Growth and Development
- SPS2203 - Principles and Practices of Resistance Training
- SPS2615 - Sports Injury Prevention and Management
- SPS2622 - Psychology of Sport, Exercise and Health
- SPS3104 - Performance Studies 7
- SPS3105 - Advanced Resistance Training
- SPS3120 - Psycho-social Aspects in Physical Activity and Chronic Disease
- SPS3502 - Advanced Biomechanics
- SPS4116 - Clinical Exercise Physiology: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary
- SPS5113 - Research and Computer Methods in Strength and Conditioning
- SPS5133 - Strength and Conditioning 1 - Physiology
- SPS6103 - Advanced Resistance Training
- SPS6104 - Applied Biomechanics in Strength and Conditioning
- SPS6107 - Current Issues in Strength and Conditioning
- SPS6110 - Periodisation: Theory and Methodology of Training
- SPS6112 - Monitoring Training and Performance
- SSE4100 - Science, Society & Environment and the Young Learner
- SWK1110 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- SWK2104 - Human Behaviour in the Social Environment
- SWK2111 - Aboriginal Histories of the Present
- SWK3110 - Organisational Contexts
- SWK3112 - Social Work Theory and Practice 1: Advanced Interpersonal Skills
- SWK3113 - Social Work and Mental Health
- SWK3116 - Field Placement 1
- SWK4106 - Social Policy
- SWK4110 - Legal and Ethical Practice
- SWK4111 - Social Work Theory and Practice 3: Collective Interventions
- SWK4116 - Field Placement 2
- SWK5224 - Social Work Honours Research Design
- TPA4100 - Teaching Performance Assessment
- TPA6120 - Teaching Performance Assessment
- TSM2111 - Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
- TSM2202 - Introduction to Event Management
- UPU0001 - Learning Skills
- UPU0002 - Academic Writing
- VIS1315 - Foundation Studio
- WPL6105 - First Professional Practice
- WRT1101 - Language and Writing
- WRT2110 - Introduction to Editing
- WRT2120 - Introduction to Editing
- WRT3107 - Writing Poetry
- YWK1220 - Youth Issues
- YWK3107 - Ideology & Youth Work Practice