- AABCA4023 - Studio Project A
- ATSGC1369 - Understanding University Learning
- ATSGC3796 - Industry Placement
- BAFLM2002 - Australian Screen Texts and Industries
- BAFLM3002 - Australian Screen Texts and Industries
- BAHIS1001 - Global histories
- BAHIS2001 - Australian History
- BAHIS2006 - From the Gold Rushes to the Asian Century: Australia and the Asia Pacific
- BAHIS3001 - Australian History
- BAHIS3006 - From the Gold Rushes to the Asian Century: Australia and the Asia Pacific
- BAHRS4001 - Honours Thesis 1
- BAHRS4034 - Research Design, Management and Methods
- BAHRS4035 - Literature Review
- BALIT2002 - Children's Fiction
- BALIT3002 - Children's Fiction
- BATCC1001 - From Homer to Memes: The Evolution and Technologies of Storytelling
- BATCC2005 - Reading and Writing Poetry
- BATCC3005 - Reading and Writing Poetry
- BAWRT1002 - Introduction to Professional Writing
- BAWRT2004 - Digital Writing
- BAWRT3004 - Digital Writing
- BAXDC2004 - Applied Ethics in Contemporary
- BAXDC3004 - Applied Ethics in Contemporary
- BEHAV2002 - Abnormal Behaviour and Disorders
- BEHAV2004 - Forensic Behavioural Science
- BSMAN3193 - Applied Workplace Practice
- BSWUG1001 - Introduction to Social Work, Community and Human Services
- BSWUG2003 - Community practice approaches
- BUACC1000 - Fundamentals of Accounting and
- BUACC1508 - Principles of Accounting&Fina
- BUACC2604 - Business Information Systems
- BUACC2607 - Corporate Reporting
- BUACC2613 - Management Accounting 1
- BUACC3706 - Financial Accounting
- BUACC3721 - Investments and Portfolio Management
- BUACC3741 - Auditing
- BUACC5901 - Accounting and Finance
- BUACC5932 - Corporate Accounting
- BUACC5935 - Auditing and Assurance Services
- BUACC5937 - Information Systems Design and Development for Accountants
- BUACC6901 - Accounting and Finance
- BUECO1300 - Introduction to Economics
- BUECO1509 - Principles of Economics
- BUECO5903 - Business Economics
- BUENT1501 - Creativity and Innovation
- BUENT2640 - Digital Futures
- BUEXC3504 - International Exchange Study 3.4
- BUGEN3700 - Industry Experience Project
- BUGEN3705 - Business Internship 1
- BUGEN3751 - Industry Based Learning Projec
- BUGEN3752 - Industry Based Learning Projec
- BUHEA6901 - Contemporary Issues in Health Services Management
- BUHEA6902 - Policy in Health Services Management
- BUHEA6903 - Leadership in Health Services
- BUHON4004 - Methodological and Qualitive Foundations
- BUHON4005 - Quantitative Foundations and Numerical Analysis
- BUHON4006 - Literature Reviews
- BUHON4007 - Study Proposal
- BUHRM3706 - Employment Practice
- BULAW1503 - Commercial Law
- BULAW3733 - Taxation Law 1
- BULAW5916 - Taxation Law and Practice
- BUMGT1501 - Management Principles
- BUMGT1502 - Contemporary Business
- BUMGT2621 - Business Communications
- BUMGT2623 - Leading Organisations
- BUMGT5920 - Management in a Global Business Environment
- BUMGT5976 - Strategic Management
- BUMGT5977 - Innovation and Entrepreneurshi
- BUMGT6976 - Strategic Management
- BUMGT6978 - Creative and Critical Thinking
- BUMKT2602 - Consumer Behaviour
- BUMKT3701 - Marketing Communication
- BUMKT5902 - Marketing Management
- CGCTP5001 - Theatre Technology 1
- CGCTP5002 - Theatre Technology 2
- CGCTP5003 - Stage Management 1
- CGCTP5004 - Production Management 1
- CHSUG2001 - Theories and Practices of Group Work
- CHSUG2003 - Community Practice Approaches
- CHSUG2101 - Reflecting on work in the Human Services Organisations
- CHSUG2102 - Field Placement
- CHSUG3001 - Critical Practice Approaches
- CHSUG3002 - Counselling for Individuals and Families
- CHSUG3003 - Health and Wellbeing in Diverse Communities
- COOPC2001 - Community Impact Project 1
- COOPC2002 - Innov and Start-Up Project 1
- COOPC2023 - Experiential learning (Busines
- COOPC2024 - Experiential learning (Informa
- COOPC2025 - Experiential learning (Enginee
- COOPC2026 - Experiential learning (Science
- CPPRO2101 - Acting Project 1
- CPPRO3103 - Acting Project 3: Screen and Small Ensemble Projects
- CPPSA1001 - Foundation Skills Acting Studio 1
- CPPSD1001 - Foundation Skills Dance Studio 1
- CPPSD2003 - Dance Studio 3
- CPPSD3005 - Dance Studio 5
- CPPSV1001 - Foundation Skills Voice Studio 1
- CPPSV2003 - Voice Studio 3
- CPPSV3005 - Voice Studio 5
- CRJUS1285 - Crime to Punishment: Processes and Institutions
- CRJUS1286 - Crime in Contemporary Contexts
- CRJUS2100 - Australian Criminal Courts in International Context
- CRJUS2474 - Policing in Practice
- CRJUS3202 - Young People: Risk to Corrections
- CRJUS3204 - Work Integrated Learning: Professional Learning
- DATSC5001 - Advanced Data Science Project
- DATSC7003 - Experiment Design and Visualization
- EDBED1011 - Literacy and Numeracy
- EDBED1013 - Understanding Disability
- EDBED1015 - Teaching and Learning with Digital Technologies
- EDBED1016 - Learning and Teaching
- EDBED2008 - Literacy, Language and Literature A
- EDBED2103 - Design for Learning
- EDBED2112 - Collaborative Partnerships
- EDBED2114 - Transition to the Profession 1
- EDBED3027 - Curriculum Assessment and Repo
- EDBED3028 - Mathematics Curriculum 1
- EDBED3029 - Science Curriculum 1
- EDBED3030 - English Curriculum 1
- EDBED3031 - Health Curriculum 1
- EDBED3032 - History Curriculum 1
- EDBED3033 - Information Technology Curriculum 1
- EDBED3035 - Humanities Curriculum 1
- EDBED3037 - Psychology Curriculum 1
- EDBED3038 - Senior Science Curriculum 1
- EDBED3041 - Business Studies Curriculum 1
- EDBED3044 - Physical Education Curriculum
- EDBED3112 - Learning and Teaching Mathematics B
- EDBED3118 - Environmental Sustainability Education
- EDBED3119 - Responding to Challenge: Trauma Informed Practice
- EDBED4011 - Humanities Education
- EDBED4111 - Advanced Mathematical Pedagogies
- EDBED4112 - Multiliteracies in a Global World (Including EAL/D)
- EDBED4113 - Transition to the Profession 2
- EDBSP1013 - Language Acquisition
- EDBSP2014 - Applied Psycholinguistics
- EDECE1019 - Curriculum through play
- EDECE2016 - Curriculum Approaches
- EDECE2018 - Science and Environmental Education in Early Childhood
- EDECE2022 - Foundations of Language and Literacy
- EDECE2023 - The Early Childhood Professional
- EDECE3018 - Nature Pedagogy
- EDECE3022 - Guiding Behaviour
- EDECE3028 - Art, Movement and Music in Early Childhood
- EDECE4002 - Educational Leadership
- EDECE4003 - Teacher as Researcher
- EDECE4004 - Social justice and agency in E
- EDECE6006 - Reflective Inquiry: Transforming Education Culture
- EDFGC2512 - Gifted Education
- EDGCT5007 - Tert Teach & Learning
- EDGCT5008 - Prof Prac in Tertiary Teaching
- EDHPE1000 - Fundamentals of Movement, Skill Acquisition and Instruction
- EDHPE1001 - Swimming and Water Safety Education
- EDHPE1004 - Understanding Movement in Health and Physical Education
- EDHPE2000 - HPE Curriculum Studies I (Junior Years)
- EDHPE3000 - HPE Curriculum Studies II (Middle Years)
- EDHPE4000 - Games Pedagogy
- EDHPE4001 - Human Development and Nutrition across the Lifespan
- EDHPE4003 - Learning Through Movement in
- EDMAS6006 - Art Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6009 - English Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6010 - Health Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6011 - History Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6012 - Information Technology Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6013 - Languages other than English 1
- EDMAS6014 - Mathematics Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6015 - Physical Education Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6016 - Psychology Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6017 - Science Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6018 - Senior Science Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6019 - Studies of Society and Environment 1
- EDMAS6020 - Business Studies Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6022 - Humanities Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6024 - Outdoor Education Curriculum 1
- EDMAS6025 - Understanding and Supporting Young People
- EDMAS6026 - Engaging Professionally 1
- EDMAS6027 - Inquiry into Practice 1
- EDMAS6028 - Planning Effective Learning Environments for Learning and Teaching
- EDMAS6029 - Numeracy and Digital Technolog
- EDMAS6033 - Curriculum Approaches
- EDMAS6039 - Mathematics, Numeracy and Learner Engagement 1
- EDMAS6045 - Effective Learning and Teachin
- EDMAS6046 - Feedback, Assessment and Repor
- EDMAS6048 - Literacy and Numeracy across t
- EDMAS6049 - Primary Science Education
- EDMAS6050 - Understanding Early Childhood Development
- EDMAS6051 - Curriculum through Play
- EDMAS6052 - Art, Movement and Music in Early Childhood
- EDMAS6053 - Education, its Purpose and the Cultural Landscape
- EDMAS6054 - Literacy, Language and Literature 1
- EDMAS6056 - Integrating curriculum: Humanities and the Arts
- EDMAS6066 - Effective learning and teachin
- EDMAS6125 - Engaging Professionally 2
- EDMAS6126 - Inquiry into Practice 2
- EDMAS6128 - Engaging Professionally 3
- EDMAS6129 - Pop Up Project
- EDMAS6131 - Engaging Professionally 3 EC
- EDMED7056 - Qualitative Research Methods in Education
- EDMED7057 - Quantitative Research Methods in Education
- EDMED7058 - Academic Reading and Writing in Educational Research
- EDMED7065 - Contemporary Educational Theories and Evidence-Based Practice
- EDMED7068 - Specialist Topics in Education: Directed Reading Project
- EDMED7074 - Professional Inquiry A
- EDMED7076 - Understanding pedagogy in global and local contexts
- EDMED7121 - Minor Thesis (Part A)
- EDMSP6014 - Applied Psycholinguistics
- EDMST6010 - Language Acquisition
- EDMST6011 - English Language Studies A: Grammar and Written Communication
- EDMST6014 - Reading in the 21st Century
- EDMST6015 - Intervention Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Education
- EDMST6016 - Specific Learning Difficulties
- EDMST6020 - Science Content and Pedagogy 1
- EDMST6021 - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in our World
- EDMST6023 - Wellbeing in the school context
- EDMST6025 - Mathematics Content and Pedagogy 1
- EDMTH1000 - Introduction to Technical Math
- EDTAS1203 - Writing and analysis for study and work
- EDTAS1205 - VET Teaching and Assessment Practice
- EDTAS2001 - Learning Theories
- EDTAS2004 - VET in Society
- EDTAS2005 - Contemporary VET Pedagogical P
- EEZED1711 - Professional Experience: Learning and Teaching
- EEZED2711 - Professional Experience 2a
- EEZED3711 - Professional Experience 3
- EEZED3712 - Professional Experience 3
- EEZED4711 - Professional Experience 3
- EEZED4712 - Professional Experience 4
- ENGIN1003 - Materials in Engineering
- ENGIN1004 - Engineering Design and Draftin
- ENGIN1007 - Foundations of electrical and
- ENGIN2001 - Professional Practice
- ENGIN2102 - Signals and Systems
- ENGIN2105 - Digital Logic and Electronic Systems
- ENGIN2201 - Hydraulics and Hydrology
- ENGIN2202 - Concrete Technology and Civil Construction
- ENGIN2301 - Mechanics of Solids
- ENGIN2302 - Engineering Dynamics
- ENGIN2401 - Analog and Digital Electronics
- ENGIN2402 - Measurement and Computer Instrumentation
- ENGIN2501 - Mine Power and Services Technology
- ENGIN2502 - Rock Fragmentation
- ENGIN3101 - Power Electronics
- ENGIN3102 - Power System Analysis
- ENGIN3201 - Structural Design
- ENGIN3202 - Geotechnical Engineering
- ENGIN3203 - Traffic and Transport
- ENGIN3204 - Engineering Surveying
- ENGIN3301 - Fluid Dynamics
- ENGIN3302 - Introduction to Vibration Analysis
- ENGIN3303 - Robotics
- ENGIN3401 - Engineering Computer Applications and Interactive Modelling
- ENGIN3403 - Sensors and Artificial Perception
- ENGIN3404 - System Dynamics and Control
- ENGIN3501 - Underground Production Systems
- ENGIN3502 - Subsurface Environmental Engineering
- ENGIN3503 - Surface Mining Operations and
- ENGIN4001 - Engineering Project 1
- ENGIN4002 - Engineering Project 2
- ENGIN4101 - Electrical Power Distribution Engineering
- ENGIN4201 - Management of Water Resources
- ENGIN4301 - Machine Dynamics and Vibration
- ENGIN5002 - Advanced Engineering Project 1
- ENGIN5003 - Advanced Engineering Project 2
- ENGIN5102 - Micro-Grid and Energy Storage
- ENGIN5103 - Electrical Demand Forecast and Management
- ENGIN5201 - Surface Water Hydrology
- ENGIN5205 - Engineering Project Management Theory
- ENGIN5206 - Engineering Contracts and Procurement
- ENGIN5207 - Data Analytics and Decision Making
- ENGIN5302 - Modelling and Simulation
- ENGIN5401 - Advanced Mechatronic Systems
- ENGIN5402 - Actuators and Drives in Mechat
- ENGIN5505 - Mine Planning and Scheduling
- ENGIN5507 - Ore Reserve Estimation
- ENGIN5512 - Underground Production Systems
- ENGRG1002 - Physics for engineers 1
- EXESP4010 - Research Thesis 1
- EXESP4011 - Research Thesis 2
- EXPHS6001 - Musculoskeletal Exercise Physiology 1
- EXPHS6011 - Exercise Physiology for Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic Conditions
- EXPHS6012 - Introduction to Exercise Physiology Practice
- EXPHS6013 - Exercise Physiology for Neurological Conditions
- EXPHS7004 - Clinical Exercise Physiology Thesis
- EXPHS7007 - Clinical Placement 2
- EXSCI1702 - Exercise Principles and Instruction
- EXSCI1703 - Motor Learning and Control
- EXSCI2008 - Applied Biomechanics
- EXSCI2171 - Exercise Physiology
- EXSCI2172 - Functional Human Anatomy
- EXSCI3172 - Exercise Prescription 2
- EXSCI3175 - Exercise Modalities
- EXSCI4000 - Exercise Physiology and Fitnes
- FASTP1011 - Intro to Tertiary Studies
- FASTP1013 - Maths & Stats
- FASTP1015 - Academic Writing
- FEAFN1101 - Foundations of Knowledge
- FEAFN3001 - Research Methods in the Social Sciences
- FLMES2451 - Freedom & Control in the Media
- FLMES3451 - Freedom & Control in the Media
- GCSCS6001 - Theoretical Models for Practic
- GCSCS6002 - Historical and contemporary is
- GCSCS6003 - Ethics for Professional Practi
- GCSCS6004 - Conflict Management
- GPENG1001 - Professional Engineering
- GPENG1002 - Engineering Physics
- GPENG1003 - Materials in Engineering
- GPENT1501 - Creativity and Innovation
- GPMGT1501 - Management Principles
- GPMGT1502 - Contemporary Business
- GPMKT1501 - Introduction to Marketing
- HCPAR5011 - Paramedic Clinical Diagnostics I
- HCPAR6902 - Paramedic Work Integrated Learning 1
- HEAAN6603 - Advanced Health Assessment for
- HEALA6400 - Pathology and Pharmacology
- HEALM6301 - Child and Family Health Assessment 1
- HEALM6302 - Family and Community Studies
- HEALM6303 - Working in Partnerships with Families
- HEALN6101 - Introduction to the Well Neonate
- HEALN6102 - Supportive Neonatal Care
- HEALN6108 - Supportive Neonatal Care
- HEALP6001 - HEALP6001
- HEALP6201 - Perinatal and Infant Mental Health 1
- HEALP6202 - Perinatal and Infant Mental Health 2
- HEALT1111 - Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professionals 1
- HEALT1113 - Communication for Health Professionals
- HEALT1705 - Psychosocial Aspects of Health Behaviour
- HEALT2174 - Nutrition for Health and Exerc
- HEALT6001 - Research Methods for Health
- HEALT6002 - Inquiry and Analysis of Lit
- HEALT6003 - Pathophysiology and Health Assessment for Advanced Practice
- HEALT7002 - Research Thesis A
- HEALT7003 - Research Thesis B
- HEALT7004 - Leadership Development in Health Contexts
- HEANP6001 - Advanced Practice in Healthcar
- HEANP6003 - Comprehensive Health Assessmen
- HEANP7003 - Complex Health Assessment and
- HEAPH6001 - Introduction to Public Health
- HEAPH6002 - Epidemiology
- HEAPH6003 - Biostatistics
- HEAPH6004 - Indigenous Health
- HEAPH6007 - Health Promotion
- HEAPH7001 - Public Health Ethics
- HEAPH7002 - Public Health Informatics
- HEAPH7003 - Public Health Economics
- HEASC4001 - Research Meth & Eth Prac
- HEASC4002 - Independent Guided Reading
- HEASC4003 - Elective Studies Related to Academic Discipline
- HEASC4010 - Research Thesis 1
- HEASP1011 - Anatomy and Physiology for Speech Pathology 1
- HEASP1012 - Introduction to Speech Pathology
- HEASP1015 - Acquired Language and Speech Impairment 1
- HEASP2012 - Speech Pathology Development and Impairment
- HEASP2013 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 1
- HEASP3022 - Swallowing Disabilities Across
- HEASP3033 - Speech Pathology Clinical Prac
- HEASP4011 - Professional Honours Project 1
- HEASP5011 - Anatomy and Physiology for Speech Pathology 1
- HEASP5014 - Clinical Processes in Speech Pathology A
- HEASP5015 - Acquired Language and Speech Impairment 1
- HEASP6012 - Speech Pathology Development and Impairment
- HEASP6023 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 2
- HEASP6112 - Research Project Part A
- HEASP6122 - Research Project Part B
- HEMTL6000 - Mental Health Nursing Practice 1
- HEMTL6001 - Therapeutics in Mental Health
- HEMTL6004 - Advanced Therapeutic Skills
- HENAA1004 - Introduction to Professional Writing
- HENAA1114 - Introduction to Professional Writing (NON ASSESSED)
- HENAI5000 - Customer Relationship Management using Salesforce
- HLWHS6000 - Contemporary Workplace Health and Safety Practice and Risk
- HLWHS6001 - Workplace Health and Safety Re
- HLWHS6002 - Workplace Health and Safety and Organisational Effectiveness
- INDSL1001 - Indigenous History (1788-1967)
- INDSL2002 - Myths and Massacres: Australian History and Reconciliation
- INDSL3002 - Myths and Massacres: Australian History and Reconciliation
- ISMAN1001 - Introduction to International Sport Management
- ISMAN3001 - Sport, Media and Public Relations
- ISMAN3002 - Applied Sport Marketing
- ISMAN3003 - Management of Sport Facilities
- ISMAN3004 - Managing Injury Prevention in Sport
- ITECH1100 - Understanding the Digital Revo
- ITECH1101 - IT Problem Solving
- ITECH1102 - Networking and Security
- ITECH1103 - Big Data and Analytics
- ITECH1104 - Cloud and Enterprise Computing
- ITECH1400 - Foundations of Programming
- ITECH2002 - Systems Modelling
- ITECH2003 - Web Design
- ITECH2004 - Data Modelling
- ITECH2250 - IT Project Man Techniques
- ITECH2301 - Network Architecture and Design
- ITECH2303 - Data Analytics
- ITECH2304 - Emerging Information Systems
- ITECH2306 - Agile Coding
- ITECH2308 - Contemporary Mainframes
- ITECH2310 - Cloud Infrastructure & Service
- ITECH2316 - Enterprise Development SAP
- ITECH3000 - IT Professional Engagement
- ITECH3001 - User Experience
- ITECH3002 - Professionalism and Entreprene
- ITECH3003 - IT Professional Internship
- ITECH3101 - Business Analytics and Decision Support
- ITECH3105 - Mainframe Systems and Services
- ITECH3108 - Dynamic Web Development
- ITECH3209 - Project 2
- ITECH3215 - Information Security
- ITECH5007 - Data Science for All
- ITECH5100 - Understanding the digital revo
- ITECH5102 - Networking and security (Maste
- ITECH5103 - Big data and analytics (Master
- ITECH5104 - Foundations of programming (Ma
- ITECH5500 - Prof. Research & Comm
- ITECH7000 - IT Professional Engagement
- ITECH7400 - IT Service Management and Professional Culture
- ITECH7413 - Supply Chain Operations and Management
- ITECH7415 - Masters Project
- ITECH7611 - Introduction to Cyber Security Fundamentals and Practices
- ITECH7624 - Network Operating Systems and Aws Cloud
- LITCI2498 - Contemporary Fiction
- LITCI3498 - Contemporary Fiction
- MATHS2003 - Profit, Loss and Gambling (Intermediate Level)
- MATHS2016 - Modelling Continuous Change
- MATHS3002 - Analytics Project 1
- MATHS7002 - Computational methods for Data
- MIDBM1001 - Introduction to Midwifery
- MIDBM2003 - Childbearing Challenges
- MIDBM3105 - Evidence-based Midwifery Practice
- MIDBM3106 - Complex Midwifery Practice
- MIDBM3209 - Midwifery Practice Diversity
- MIDGD6201 - Women Centred Midwifery Care
- MIDGD6202 - Midwifery as a Profession
- MONCI1001 - Medical Biophysics
- MONCI2001 - Structure of the Human Body
- MONCI3001 - Molecular Mechanisms of Diseas
- MREGC5001 - Terotechnology and life cycle costs
- MREGC5002 - Maintenance management
- MREGC5005 - Quantitative techniques for asset management
- MREGC5008 - Maintenance and Reliability Engineering Project
- MREGC5101 - Basic quantitative skills for reliability engineering
- MREGC5102 - Understanding reliability
- MREGC5103 - Advanced Reliability
- MREGC5104 - Reliability Applications
- MSWPG7101 - Found Social Work Theory
- MSWPG7201 - Contemporary Social Work Theories and Practice
- MSWPG7210 - Social Policy
- MSWPG7211 - Social Work Research
- NHPBM1031 - Anatomy and Physiology for Rehabilitation Science 1
- NHPHS2101 - Health Professional research 2
- NHPHS3403 -
- NHPOT1011 - Introduction to Occupation and Occupational Therapy
- NHPOT2015 - Physical and Cognitive-neurological Determinants of Occupation
- NHPOT3017 - Enhancing Practice Capabilities
- NHPOT3018 - Professional Practice Preparation
- NHPOT3019 - Occupational Therapy Honours Project Part 1 of 3
- NHPOT4022 - Advanced Rural or Urban Practice
- NHPOT4023 - Occupational Therapy Honours Project Part 2 of 3
- NHPPS1001 - Introduction to Physiotherapy
- NHPPS1111 - Anatomy and Physiology for Physiotherapy
- NHPPS2013 - Neurological Focused Physiothe
- NHPPS2113 - Neurological Anatomy and Physiology
- NHPPS3015 - Physiotherapy Applications across the Lifespan
- NHPPS3215 - Orthopaedics and Sports
- NHPPS3315 - Evid based pract: journal club
- NHPPS3815 - Physiotherapy Honours Thesis 1
- NHPPS4001 - Physiotherapy Theory and Appli
- NHPPS4101 - Physiotherapy Theory and Appli
- NHPPS4817 - Physiotherapy Honours Thesis 3
- NHPRH1002 - Communication Skills for Health Professionals
- NHPRH1004 - Foundations of Allied Health Professional Practice
- NHPRH2002 - Clinical Medicine for Therapy
- NURBN1012 - Legal and Ethical Decision Makring in person-centred care
- NURBN1013 - Nursing Practice 1: Introduction to Person-Centered Nursing Practice
- NURBN1111 - Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and Midwifery 1
- NURBN1112 - Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and Midwifery
- NURBN2020 - Nursing Context 5: Pharmacology for Nurses
- NURBN2021 - Primary Health 2: Health Promotion
- NURBN2022 - Nursing Practice 3: Person-Centered Nursing Practice A
- NURBN2023 - Nursing Context 6: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Applied to Person-Centered Nursing Practice A
- NURBN2024 - Nursing Practice 4: Mental Hea
- NURBN2028 - Nursing Context 10: Transitioning into Bachelor of Nursing Studies
- NURBN3030 - Nursing Practice 6: Management of Deteriorating Patient
- NURBN3031 - Nursing Context 8: Teaching, Learning and Situational Leadership for Health Practice
- NURBN3032 - Nursing Context 9: Transitioning to Nursing Practice
- OEEDU1004 - Outdoor Living and Travel Skills - Land
- OEEDU2000 - Outdoor Leadership and Experiential Learning
- OEEDU2500 - Adventure and Outdoor Recreation
- OEEDU2600 - Coastal Education
- OEEDU3400 - Practicum 1
- OEEDU3500 - Outdoor Education Curriculum 1
- OEEDU3800 - The outdoor Profession
- PAATC2003 - Critical Studies in Theatre 3
- PACAC3005 - Critical Studies 5
- PSYCB1003 - Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYCB1101 - Introductory Psychology A: Biological and Cognitive Psychology
- PSYCB2102 - Lifespan Development Psychology
- PSYCB2103 - Personality
- PSYCB2105 - Counselling Theory and Practice
- PSYCB2106 - Psychology, Culture and Indigenous Australians
- PSYCB3102 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYCB3108 - Psychology Research: Review
- PSYCB3109 - Psychology Research: Advanced Analyses
- PSYCB3111 - Psychology: Undergraduate Placement
- PSYCH4001 - Research Project
- PSYCH4102 - Research Project
- PSYCM7011 - Professional Practice: Stage 1
- PSYCM7012 - Professional Practice: Stage 2
- PSYCM7013 - Professional Practice: Stage 3
- PSYCM7015 - Adult Psychopathology
- PSYCM7017 - Clinical Intervention
- PSYCM7018 - Diversity & Inter-Profess Prac
- PSYCM7123 - Advanced Adult Psychopathology
- PSYCM7125 - Advanced Clinical Interventions
- PSYCM7127 - Professional Practice: Stage 4
- PSYCM7128 - Adv skills for clinical practi
- PSYCM7129 - Psych pract in the community
- PSYCP6011 - Psychological Practice
- PSYCP6013 - Psychological Assessment
- PSYCP6014 - Psychological Research Methods
- PSYCP7004 - Practicum 1
- PSYCP7108 - Practicum 2
- SCBCH1001 - Introduction to Nutrition
- SCBCH2001 - Biochemistry
- SCBCH3001 - Lifespan Nutrition
- SCBIO1001 - Principles of Biology
- SCCHM1001 - Chemistry 1
- SCCHM2001 - Analytical Techniques
- SCCHM3004 - Organic Synthesis for Drug Design
- SCCOR1200 - Scientific Communication
- SCCOR3000 - Laboratory Man & Quality Ass
- SCCOR3001 - Research Project
- SCCOR3002 - Science Communication Project
- SCCOR3003 - Industry based learning
- SCCOR3013 - Workplace Experience
- SCCOR3014 - Industry Based Learning
- SCCOR3015 - Work Placement
- SCENV1002 - Biodiversity Conservation
- SCENV2100 - Australian Fauna
- SCENV2600 - Geographic Information Systems
- SCENV3110 - Fire Ecology
- SCENV3120 - Landscape Restoration and Mine Site Rehabilitation
- SCENV3800 - Ecosystems Conservation & Man
- SCENV3912 - Environmental Assessment
- SCHON4001 - Honours Research Methods
- SCHON4003 - Honours Research Project 1
- SCHON4004 - Honours Research Project 2
- SCHON4005 - Honours Comm and App
- SCMED2010 - Pathophysiology 1
- SCMED3010 - Pharmacology and Toxicology
- SCMIC2001 - General Microbiology
- SCMIC3002 - Food Microbiology
- SCMOL3001 - Molecular Cell Biology
- SCMOL3020 - Immunology
- SCVET2001 - Animal Management and Disease
- SOCIO2001 - Sociology of Families and Relationships
- SOCIO2734 - Sociology of Deviance
- SOCIO3001 - Sociology of Families and Relationships
- SOCIO3734 - Sociology of Deviance
- SOSCI1002 - The Sociological Imagination
- SPMAN4010 - Research Thesis 1
- SPMAN4011 - Research Thesis 2
- SPMAN4020 - Research Thesis 1 Part Time
- STATS1000 - Statistical Methods
- STATS5000 - Statistics and R
- VACAP1011 - Drawing
- VACAP2001 - Materials and Technology
- VACAP3001 - Arts Internship
- VASAP1001 - Visual Art: Studio Arts Practice 1
- VASAP2013 - Visual Art: Studio Arts Practice 3
- VASAP3015 - Visual Art: Studio Arts Practi
- VCHAT1011 - Visual Culture: An Introduction
- VCHAT2003 - Visual Culture: Modernism to Postmodernism
- VCHAT2005 - Australian Indigenous Art