- ANS102 - Introduction to the Animal Body
- ANS230 - Animal Production Systems II
- ART208 - Presenting in Public: Writing and Performing for Professional Contexts
- AST100 - Anthropology, Society and Culture
- BED100 - Ideas in Education
- BIO152 - Cell Biology
- BIO180 - Introduction to Marine Biology
- BIO245 - Plant Diversity
- BIO246 - Microbiology
- BIO254 - Marine Botany
- BIO282 - Molecular Biology
- BIO356 - Genetics and Evolution
- BIO359 - Forensic DNA Analysis
- BIO377 - Marine Ecology
- BIO394 - Genetic Engineering
- BMS101 - Introduction to the Human Body
- BMS206 - Biomedical Physiology
- BMS212 - Medical Microbiology
- BMS213 - Forensic Anatomy and Anthropology
- BMS314 - Pathological Basis of Disease
- BSC201 - Psychology: Measurement, Design and Analysis
- BSC203 - Introduction to ICT Research Methods
- BSL165 - Foundations of Business Law
- BSL201 - Finance Law
- BSL204 - Tourism and Hospitality Law
- BUS122 - Business in Society
- BUS123 - Management in a Global Environment
- BUS124 - Global Marketing
- BUS140 - Introduction to Finance
- BUS163 - Introduction to Accounting
- BUS171 - Foundations of Economics
- BUS212 - Introduction to International Finance
- BUS219 - International Business
- BUS225 - Services, Relationship and Retail Marketing
- BUS285 - Technology and Accounting Processes
- BUS288 - Treasury Management
- BUS293 - Organisational Theory and Behaviour
- BUS303 - Taxation
- BUS329 - Investment Analysis
- BUS332 - Employment Relations
- BUS356 - Contemporary Financial Accounting
- BUS371 - Talent Management
- CHE103 - Introduction to Forensic Science
- CHE140 - Fundamentals of Chemistry
- CHE144 - Foundations of Chemistry
- CHI109 - Introduction to Chiropractic
- CHI202 - Human Anatomy II
- CHI205 - Immunology, Genetics and Microbiology
- CHI247 - Clinical Biomechanics
- CHI335 - Diagnosis I
- CHI354 - Chiropractic Skills
- CHI404 - Nutrition
- CHI456 - Differential Diagnosis
- COM100 - Thinking Communication
- COM107 - Strategic Communication
- COM109 - Introduction to Digital Media Skills
- COM200 - Communication Research
- COM202 - Content Creation
- COM208 - Podcast Production and Streaming
- COM245 - Media Law and Ethics (TSD and TSA)
- COM302 - Web Analytics
- COM345 - Issues and Crisis Management
- CRM100 - Introduction to criminology
- CRM120 - Criminological Research Methods
- CRM201 - Policing and Crime Prevention 2020
- CSL566 - Case Conceptualisation and Assessment in Counselling
- CSL576 - Introduction to Creative Arts Therapies in Counselling
- CSL581 - Experiential Learning in Group Counselling
- CSL582 - Principles of Counselling
- CSL674 - Trauma Counselling
- EDN117 - Introduction to Health Education
- EDN118 - Teaching and Assessing for Oral Language Development
- EDN168 - Nurturing Creativity in the Early Years
- EDN221 - Learning and Teaching
- EDN237 - Babies and Toddlers: Growing and Learning
- EDN306 - Supporting writing development for diverse learners in primary schools
- EDN328 - Teaching English and Literacy to Students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
- EDN351 - Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools
- EDN353 - Country, Cultures, Peoples: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives Across the Curriculum
- EDN355 - Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education
- EDN376 - Teaching Science
- EDN377 - Teaching 7-10 HASS
- EDN380 - Teaching Health and Physical Education
- EDN403 - Integrating Mathematics, Science and Technology in Primary Classrooms
- EDN432 - Early Childhood Learning Environments
- EDN441 - Humanities and Social Sciences in the Primary Curriculum
- EDN461 - Language and Literacies in the Early Years
- EDN462 - Mathematics and Numeracy in the Early Years
- EDN464 - Health, Physical Education and the Curriculum
- EDN540 - Facilitating Lifelong Learning
- EDN613 - Integrated Curriculum in Primary Schools
- EDN643 - Introduction to Qualitative Approaches to Research
- EDN722 - Literature Review and Proposal
- EDU610 - Introduction to Research for Educators
- EDU616 - Teaching, Learning and Working in Culturally Diverse Environments
- EDU622 - Literature Review: A systematic analysis of scholarly work
- EGL101 - Drama, Theatre and Performance
- EGL123 - Texting I: Introduction to Literature, Writing and Performance
- EGL244 - Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: Page and Stage
- EGL246 - Digital Humanities: Reading and Writing in the Online World
- EGL248 - Novel Encounters
- ENG101 - Engineering Fundamentals
- ENG103 - Principles of Engineering
- ENG215 - Systems Engineering
- ENG216 - Dynamic Systems and Control
- ENG441 - Solar Thermal and Biomass Engineering
- ENG442 - Renewable Energy Systems Engineering
- ENG532 - Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies
- ENG631 - Distributed Power System and Microgrid Planning and Reliability
- ENV242 - Atmospheric Science
- ENV246 - Protected Area Management and Planning
- ENV278 - Nature-based tourism
- EXS124 - Introduction to Sports Science
- EXS201 - Sport and Exercise Psychology
- EXS202 - Exercise Physiology I
- EXS203 - Health, Fitness and Performance Assessment
- EXS223 - Strength and Resistance Training
- EXS303 - Exercise, Programming and Prescription
- EXS305 - Advanced Skills and Motor Control
- EXS306 - Physical Assessment and Rehabilitation
- FSN200 - Principles of Nutrition
- GOV613 - Public Policy Perspectives
- GRO602 - Research Impact
- ICT159 - Foundations of Programming
- ICT201 - Information Technology Project Management
- ICT283 - Data Structures and Abstractions
- ICT304 - AI System Design
- ICT373 - Software Architectures
- ICT508 - IT Project Management
- ICT606 - Machine Learning
- IND101 - Indonesian 1
- IND201 - Indonesian 3
- IND301 - Indonesian 5
- JPN101 - Japanese 1
- JPN201 - Japanese 3
- JPN202 - Japanese 4
- JPN301 - Japanese 6
- JPN302 - Japanese 7
- LEG100 - Law, Justice and Social Policy
- LLB120 - Legal Writing for Lawyers
- LLB259 - Constitutional Law
- LLB307 - IP: Regulating Innovation and Creativity
- LLB332 - Commercial Law
- LLB348 - Media Law
- LLB358 - Australian Administrative Law
- LLB363 - Employment Relations Law
- LLB370 - Family Law
- LLB391 - Alternative Dispute Resolution
- LLB450 - Civil Procedure
- LLB452 - Corporations Law
- LLB468 - Ethics and Professional Responsibility
- MAS164 - Fundamentals of Mathematics
- MAS182 - Applied Mathematics
- MAS220 - Mathematical Methods
- MAS352 - Time Series Analysis
- MBS520 - Research Preparation for Business
- MBS537 - Strategic Marketing Management
- MBS538 - Organisational Behaviour and Management
- MBS539 - Accounting for Managers
- MBS667 - Digital Business
- MBS669 - Management Accounting
- MBS684 - Managing Strategic Risk and Projects
- MBS686 - Economics and Business Strategy
- MCM506 - Strategic Communication
- MCM680 - Research Project in Communication
- MCR502 - Crime Prevention
- MCR608 - Policing: Issues, Controversies & Methods
- MSP100 - Career Learning: Managing Your Career
- NUR131 - Nursing Bioscience 1
- NUR132 - Nursing Practice 1: Lifespan Foundations
- NUR133 - Professional Nursing Practice 1: Foundations
- NUR235 - Acute and Community Nursing Care 1: Foundations
- NUR236 - Mental Health Nursing
- NUR237 - Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
- NUR355 - Professional Nursing Practice 2: Complexities
- NUR356 - Complex nursing care 1
- NUR357 - Complex Nursing Care 2
- NUR359 - Professional Nursing Practice 3: Transition to Registered Nurse
- NUR500 - Wound Assessment in Practice
- POL133 - Politics, Power, Policy
- PSY101 - Introduction to Cultural Psychology
- PSY141 - Introduction to Psychological Science
- PSY251 - Psychology: Biological Bases of Behaviour
- PSY286 - Psychology: Human Development
- PSY287 - Self and Society
- PSY391 - Psychology: Individual Differences and Performance
- PSY565 - Clinical Psychology: Working with Adults
- PSY598 - Advanced Psychological Assessment
- PSY664 - Clinical Psychology: Working with Children and Families
- SCR100 - Introduction to the Screen
- SCR200 - Writing for the Screen
- SCR303 - Factual Production
- SHP502 - Contemporary Issues in Ageing
- SHP503 - Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Neurocognitive Disorders
- SHP504 - Chronic Disease Management and End-of-Life Care
- SHP510 - Bioethics and Law for Health Care Leadership
- SHP511 - Leadership in Health Care
- SHP541 - Health Policy in Australia and Beyond
- SHP612 - Managing in a Health Care Environment
- SHP632 - Applied Health Research Methods: from Research to Practice
- SHP639 - Financial Management in Health Care
- SOU376 - Sound for Screen
- TOU101 - Introduction to Tourism Systems
- TOU221 - Sustainable Tourism
- TOU324 - Events Policy and Evaluation
- UPP005 - Introduction to Health Professions
- VET200 - Veterinary Structure and Function I
- VET272 - Veterinary Biochemistry
- VET333 - Animal Behaviour and Welfare
- VET375 - Processes in Animal Disease