Wiley Operations and Supply Management for MBAs, Australia a

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sku: 9781119668107

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  • ISBN: 9781119668107
Wiley Operations and Supply Management for MBAs, Australia a
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The seventh edition of Operations and Supply Chain Management for MBAs is the definitive introduction to the fundamental concepts of supply chain and operations management. Designed specifically to meet the needs of MBA students, this market-leading book offers clear presentation of topics such process planning and design, capacity and location planning, schedule and inventory management, and enterprise resource planning. A strategic, conceptual approach helps readers comprehend the contemporary issues they will soon be facing in industry. This concisely-formatted volume enables instructors to customize their courses for the unique requirements of MBA programs. Each chapter integrates material directly into the text—rather than sidebars, highlights, and other pedagogical devices—to achieve a smooth, easy-to-read narrative flow. Carefully selected questions prompt discussions that complement the mature, more experienced nature of MBA students, while case studies and supplementary materials illustrate key concepts and practices. Topics such as outsourcing and global sourcing, the role of information technology, and global competitiveness strategies assist students to understand working and competing in the globalized economy.

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Authors N/A
Brand John Wiley & Sons
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781119668107
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A