Wiley Organic Chemistry 4E

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  • ISBN: 9781119820833
Wiley Organic Chemistry 4E
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Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition provides a comprehensive, yet accessible treatment of all the essential organic chemistry concepts covered in a two-semester course. Presented with a skills-based approach that bridges the gap between organic chemistry theory and real-world practice, the book places special emphasis on developing their problem-solving skills through applied exercises and activities. It incorporates Klein's acclaimed SkillBuilder program which contains a solved problem that demonstrates a skill and several practice problems of varying difficulty levels including conceptual and cumulative problems that challenge students to apply the skill in a slightly different environment. An up-to-date collection of literature-based problems exposes students to the dynamic and evolving nature of organic chemistry and its active role in addressing global challenges. The text is also enriched with numerous hands-on activities and real-world examples that help students understand both the "why" and the "how" behind organic chemistry.

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Authors N/A
Barcode 9781119820833
Brand John Wiley & Sons
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781119820833
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A