
*Yale University Press Ahlan wa Sahlan: Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Inter

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sku: 9780300233728

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  • ISBN: 9780300233728
*Yale University Press Ahlan wa Sahlan: Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Inter
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The second-year book in the widely used Ahlan wa Sahlan program, now in its third edition, updated for effective and practical Arabic acquisition and use

This textbook provides the second year of Arabic instruction in the Ahlan wa Sahlan program. Third edition revisions include the use of pausal form, all-Arabic instruction, sections on dialect acquisition, and updated depictions of Arab culture, among others.

Ahlan wa Sahlan covers the first and second years of instruction in Modern Standard Arabic. It is a complete educational package, comprising a workbook, beginner textbook with accompanying Annotated Instructor’s Edition, intermediate textbook, video clips filmed in Syria, audio, and online exercises.